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The fields are Strong's number, the GK number, dictionary entry for the word, simplified transliteration, and the first part of the word's gloss.

3802 4074 παγιδεύω pagideuo to trap, entrap
3803 4075 παγίς pagis trap, snare
697 4076 πάγος pagos hill, a craggy rock formation
3804 4077 πάθημα pathema suffering, misfortune; passion
3805 4078 παθητός pathetos subject to suffering
3806 4079 πάθος pathos lust, sexual passion
3807 4080 παιδαγωγός paidagogos guardian, custodian, supervisor
3808 4081 παιδάριον paidarion little boy, child
3809 4082 παιδεία paideia discipline, training
3810 4083 παιδευτής paideutes instructor, teacher; discipliner, …
3811 4084 παιδεύω paideuo instruct, train, educate, as an …
3812 4085 παιδιόθεν paidiothen from childhood
3813 4086 παιδίον paidion child
3814 4087 παιδίσκη paidiske female servant, female slave, …
3812 4088 παιδόθεν paidothen from childhood
3815 4089 παίζω paizo to indulge in revelry, play, amuse …
3816 4090 παῖς pais boy, child, youth, usually below …
3817 4091 παίω paio to strike, hit (and so wound)
3818 4092 Πακατιανός Pakatianos Pacatian, in Pacatia
3819 4093 πάλαι palai long ago, in the past, already
3820 4094 παλαιός palaios old
3821 4095 παλαιότης palaiotes the old way, obsoleteness, age
3822 4096 παλαιόω palaioo (act.) to make obsolete; (pass.) to …
3823 4097 πάλη pale struggle
3824 4098 παλιγγενεσία palingenesia renewal; rebirth, regeneration
3825 4099 πάλιν palin again, once more; furthermore; on …
3826 4101 παμπληθεί pamplethei with one voice, all together
3827 4102 πάμπολυς pampolys very great
3828 4103 Παμφυλία Pamphylia Pamphylia
3829 4106 πανδοχεῖον pandocheion inn
3830 4107 πανδοχεύς pandocheus innkeeper
3831 4108 πανήγυρις panegyris joyful assembly, festal gathering
3832 4109 πανοικεί panoikei with one's whole family
3833 4110 πανοπλία panoplia full armor, worn by a heavily armed …
3834 4111 πανουργία panourgia cunning, craftiness, deception, …
3835 4112 πανοῦργος panourgos crafty, clever, sly
3837 4114 πανταχῇ pantache everywhere
3836 4115 πανταχόθεν pantachothen from every direction
3837 4116 πανταχοῦ pantachou everywhere; in all directions
3838 4117 παντελής panteles complete, perfect, absolute; at all
3839 4118 πάντῃ pante in every way
3840 4119 πάντοθεν pantothen from all directions; completely, …
3841 4120 παντοκράτωρ pantokrator Almighty; this title for God …
3842 4121 πάντοτε pantote always, at all times, forever
3843 4122 πάντως pantos surely, certainly, by all possible …
3844 4123 παρά para (gen.) from; (dat.) with, before, …
3845 4124 παραβαίνω parabaino to break, transgress; to leave, …
3846 4125 παραβάλλω paraballo to come near (by ship); compare
3847 4126 παράβασις parabasis transgression, breaking, violation
3848 4127 παραβάτης parabates lawbreaker, transgressor
3849 4128 παραβιάζομαι parabiazomai to urge strongly, persuade
3851 4129 παραβολεύομαι paraboleuomai to risk, expose to danger
3850 4130 παραβολή parabole parable, an illustration that …
3851 4131 παραβουλεύομαι parabouleuomai to be careless, have no concern
3852 4132 παραγγελία parangelia order, command; instruction
3853 4133 παραγγέλλω parangello to order, command, direct; to give …
3854 4134 παραγίνομαι paraginomai to come, arrive, be present; to …
3855 4135 παράγω parago to pass by, go on, walk beside; to …
3856 4136 παραδειγματίζω paradeigmatizo to subject to public disgrace, hold …
3857 4137 παράδεισος paradeisos paradise, a place of blessedness, …
3858 4138 παραδέχομαι paradechomai to accept, welcome, receive
3859 4139 παραδιατριβή paradiatribe useless occupation
3860 4140 παραδίδωμι paradidomi to hand over, betray, deliver to …
3861 4141 παράδοξος paradoxos remarkable, wonderful
3862 4142 παράδοσις paradosis tradition; teachings
3863 4143 παραζηλόω parazeloo to make envious, arouse jealousy
3864 4144 παραθαλάσσιος parathalassios by the lake, by the sea
3865 4145 παραθεωρέω paratheoreo (pass.) to be overlooked, neglected
3866 4146 παραθήκη paratheke deposit, thing entrusted to
3867 4147 παραινέω paraineo to warn, urge
3868 4148 παραιτέομαι paraiteomai to request, beg; to make excuses; …
3869 4149 παρακαθέζομαι parakathezomai to sit beside
3869 4150 παρακαθίζω parakathizo to sit down beside
3870 4151 παρακαλέω parakaleo to ask, beg, plead; to comfort, …
3871 4152 παρακαλύπτω parakalypto (pass.) to be hidden
3872 4153 παρακαταθήκη parakatatheke deposit
3873 4154 παράκειμαι parakeimai to be present, ready
3874 4155 παράκλησις paraklesis encouragement, comfort, …
3875 4156 παράκλητος parakletos counselor, intercessor, helper, one …
3876 4157 παρακοή parakoe disobedience, unwillingness to hear
3877 4158 παρακολουθέω parakoloutheo to follow, accompany; to know all …
3878 4159 παρακούω parakouo to refuse to listen, ignore
3879 4160 παρακύπτω parakypto to bend over; to look (intently)
3880 4161 παραλαμβάνω paralambano to take with; take charge of; to …
3881 4162 παραλέγομαι paralegomai to sail past, move along
3882 4163 παράλιος paralios (located) by the sea; (n.) seacoast
3883 4164 παραλλαγή parallage change, variation
3884 4165 παραλογίζομαι paralogizomai to deceive, delude
3885 4166 παραλυτικός paralytikos (n.) paralytic, lame person
3886 4168 παραλύω paralyo (pass.) to be paralyzed, disabled; …
3887 4169 παραμένω parameno to continue; to remain with
3888 4170 παραμυθέομαι paramytheomai to comfort, encourage, console
3889 4171 παραμυθία paramythia comfort, consolation
3890 4172 παραμύθιον paramythion comfort, consolation, encouragement
3891 4174 παρανομέω paranomeo to violate the law, act contrary to …
3892 4175 παρανομία paranomia wrongdoing, lawlessness
3893 4176 παραπικραίνω parapikraino to rebel, disobey
3894 4177 παραπικρασμός parapikrasmos rebellion, revolt
3895 4178 παραπίπτω parapipto to fall away, commit apostasy
3896 4179 παραπλέω parapleo to sail past
3897 4180 παραπλήσιος paraplesios (adv.) almost, nearly
3898 4181 παραπλησίως paraplesios in just the same way
3899 4182 παραπορεύομαι paraporeuomai to pass by, go through
3900 4183 παράπτωμα paraptoma trespass, transgression, sin …
3901 4184 παραρρέω pararreo to drift away, flow past, slip away
3902 4185 παράσημος parasemos distinguished, marked; (n.) …
3903 4186 παρασκευάζω paraskeuazo (act.) to prepare; (mid.) to get …
3904 4187 παρασκευή paraskeue Preparation Day
4368 4188 παραστάτις parastatis supporter
3905 4189 παρατείνω parateino to keep on, prolong, extend
3906 4190 παρατηρέω paratereo to watch closely, observe
3907 4191 παρατήρησις parateresis careful observation
3908 4192 παρατίθημι paratithemi (act.) to set before; (mid.) to …
3909 4193 παρατυγχάνω paratynchano to happen to be there
3910 4194 παραυτίκα parautika (a.) momentary
3911 4195 παραφέρω paraphero to take away, remove; (pass.) to be …
3912 4196 παραφρονέω paraphroneo to be out of one's mind, insane
3913 4197 παραφρονία paraphronia madness, insanity
3913 4198 παραφροσύνη paraphrosyne madness, insanity
3914 4199 παραχειμάζω paracheimazo to spend the winter
3915 4200 παραχειμασία paracheimasia spending the winter
2710 4201 παραχράομαι parachraomai to misuse
3916 4202 παραχρῆμα parachrema immediately, instantly, at once
3917 4203 πάρδαλις pardalis leopard
4332 4204 παρεδρεύω paredreuo to serve regularly, sit beside
3918 4205 πάρειμι pareimi to be present, here; to have come
3919 4206 παρεισάγω pareisago to bring in secretly
3920 4207 παρείσακτος pareisaktos brought in secretly, infiltrated
3921 4208 παρεισδύω pareisdyo to slip in secretly
3922 4209 παρεισέρχομαι pareiserchomai to come in, sneak in; to add to
3923 4210 παρεισφέρω pareisphero to do one's best
3924 4211 παρεκτός parektos (adv.) besides; (pp.) except for, …
4016 4212 παρεμβάλλω paremballo to build, erect; in context to …
3925 4213 παρεμβολή parembole camp, barracks; army
3926 4214 παρενοχλέω parenochleo to make difficult, trouble
3927 4215 παρεπίδημος parepidemos (n.) stranger
3928 4216 παρέρχομαι parerchomai to go by, pass by; (pass.) to pass …
3929 4217 πάρεσις paresis leaving unpunished, passing over
3930 4218 παρέχω parecho to present, give; to show, give …
3931 4219 παρηγορία paregoria comfort
3932 4220 παρθενία parthenia virginity
3933 4221 παρθένος parthenos virgin (male and female), one who …
3934 4222 Πάρθοι Parthoi Parthian
3935 4223 παρίημι pariemi to leave undone, neglect; (pass.) …
3936 4224 παριστάνω paristano see {4225}
3936 4225 παρίστημι paristemi to place beside, put at disposal; …
3937 4226 Παρμενᾶς Parmenas Parmenas, steady, reliable
3938 4227 πάροδος parodos passing by
3939 4228 παροικέω paroikeo to live as a stranger, visit; to …
3940 4229 παροικία paroikia residence as a stranger
3941 4230 πάροικος paroikos strange; (n.) alien, foreigner, …
3942 4231 παροιμία paroimia figure of speech, proverb, maxim
3943 4232 πάροινος paroinos drunken, given to drunkenness
3944 4233 παροίχομαι paroichomai to pass by
3945 4234 παρομοιάζω paromoiazo to be like
3946 4235 παρόμοιος paromoios like, similar
3947 4236 παροξύνω paroxyno (intr.) to be greatly distressed; …
3948 4237 παροξυσμός paroxysmos sharp disagreement; spurring on, …
3949 4239 παροργίζω parorgizo to anger, exasperate
3950 4240 παροργισμός parorgismos anger
3951 4241 παροτρύνω parotryno to incite, arouse
3952 4242 παρουσία parousia presence; coming, advent; in the NT …
3953 4243 παροψίς paropsis dish
3954 4244 παρρησία parresia boldness, confidence, frankness; …
3955 4245 παρρησιάζομαι parresiazomai to speak boldly, preach fearlessly
3956 4246 πᾶς pas all, every (thing, one), whole; …
3957 4247 πάσχα pascha Passover, Passover week; Passover …
3958 4248 πάσχω pascho to experience, suffer, endure …
3959 4249 Πάταρα Patara Patara
3960 4250 πατάσσω patasso to hit, strike; kill
3961 4251 πατέω pateo to trample on, tread on
3962 4252 πατήρ pater father, a male parent or ancestor; …
3963 4253 Πάτμος Patmos Patmos
3964 4254 πατραλῴας patraloas one who kills one's father
3965 4255 πατριά patria family, family line, clan; people, …
3966 4256 πατριάρχης patriarches patriarch, father of a nation
3967 4257 πατρικός patrikos paternal, from one's ancestors
3968 4258 πατρίς patris hometown, homeland, land of one's …
3969 4259 Πατροβᾶς Patrobas Patrobas, father of existence
3964 4260 πατρολῴας patroloas one who kills one's father
3970 4261 πατροπαράδοτος patroparadotos handed down from forefathers
3971 4262 πατρῷος patroos ancestral, from forefathers
3972 4263 Παῦλος Paulos Paul, Paulus, little
3973 4264 παύω pauo (act.) to cause to stop; (mid.) to …
3974 4265 Πάφος Paphos Paphos
3975 4266 παχύνω pachuno to become calloused of heart, make …
3976 4267 πέδη pede foot shackle, fetter
3977 4268 πεδινός pedinos level, flat
3978 4269 πεζεύω pezeuo to go on foot, travel by walking
3979 4270 πεζῇ peze on foot
3979 4271 πεζός pezos on foot
3980 4272 πειθαρχέω peitharcheo to obey; to take advice
3981 4273 πειθός peithos persuasive
3982 4275 πείθω peitho to convince, persuade; to trust in, …
3983 4277 πεινάω peinao to be hungry
3984 4278 πεῖρα peira to try to do, attempt; to face, …
3985 4279 πειράζω peirazo to test, tempt; to try to trap; to …
3986 4280 πειρασμός peirasmos test; trial; temptation
3987 4281 πειράω peirao to try, attempt
3988 4282 πεισμονή peismone persuasion
3989 4283 πέλαγος pelagos open sea; depths
3990 4284 πελεκίζω pelekizo to behead, a derivative of the …
3991 4286 πέμπτος pemptos fifth
3992 4287 πέμπω pempo to send
3993 4288 πένης penes poor
3994 4289 πενθερά penthera mother-in-law
3995 4290 πενθερός pentheros father-in-law
3996 4291 πενθέω pentheo to mourn, grieve (over)
3997 4292 πένθος penthos mourning, grief, sadness
3998 4293 πενιχρός penichros poor, needy
3999 4294 πεντάκις pentakis five times
4000 4295 πεντακισχίλιοι pentakischilioi five thousand
4001 4296 πεντακόσιοι pentakosioi five hundred
4002 4297 πέντε pente five
4003 4298 πεντεκαιδέκατος pentekaidekatos fifteenth
4004 4299 πεντήκοντα pentekonta fifty
4005 4300 πεντηκοστή pentekoste Pentecost, fiftieth (day after …
4006 4301 πεποίθησις pepoithesis confidence, trust
4007 4302 περ per an affix for various kinds of …
0 4303 Πέραια Peraia Peraea
4012 4304 περαιτέρω peraitero further, beyond
4008 4305 πέραν peran on the other side; (n.) opposite …
4009 4306 πέρας peras end, limit
4010 4307 Πέργαμος Pergamos Pergamum
4011 4308 Πέργη Perge Perga
4012 4309 περί peri (gen.) about, concerning, in regard …
4013 4310 περιάγω periago (tr.) to take (a wife); (intr.) to …
4014 4311 περιαιρέω periaireo to take away; (pass.) to be taken …
681 4312 περιάπτω periapto to kindle (a fire)
4015 4313 περιαστράπτω periastrapto to flash around, shine around
4016 4314 περιβάλλω periballo to dress, clothe, wrap around
4017 4315 περιβλέπω periblepo to look around at
4018 4316 περιβόλαιον peribolaion covering, robe
4019 4317 περιδέω perideo to wrap around
4020 4318 περιεργάζομαι periergazomai to be a busybody
4021 4319 περίεργος periergos meddlesome, curious; (n.) busybody; …
4022 4320 περιέρχομαι perierchomai to go around
4023 4321 περιέχω periecho to seize, encircle; to contain, to …
4024 4322 περιζώννυμι perizonnymi to buckle a belt around, gird, …
4024 4323 περιζωννύω perizonnyo to buckle a belt around, dress for …
4025 4324 περίθεσις perithesis wearing, putting on
4026 4325 περιΐστημι periistemi to stand around; avoid, shun
4027 4326 περικάθαρμα perikatharma scum, refuse
4776 4327 περικαθίζω perikathizo to sit around
4028 4328 περικαλύπτω perikalypto to blindfold, cover the face or …
4029 4329 περίκειμαι perikeimai to surround, place or tie around; …
4030 4330 περικεφαλαία perikephalaia helmet
4031 4331 περικρατής perikrates secure, having power, being in …
4032 4332 περικρύβω perikrybo to seclude oneself, hide, conceal …
4033 4333 περικυκλόω perikykloo to encircle, surround
4034 4334 περιλάμπω perilampo to shine around, blaze around
4035 4335 περιλείπομαι perileipomai to be left, remain
4036 4337 περίλυπος perilypos overwhelmingly sorrowful; greatly …
4037 4338 περιμένω perimeno to wait for
4038 4339 πέριξ perix around
4039 4340 περιοικέω perioikeo to live in a neighborhood; (n.) …
4040 4341 περίοικος perioikos neighboring; (n.) neighbor
4041 4342 περιούσιος periousios one's very own, special
4042 4343 περιοχή perioche passage (of Scripture), portion
4043 4344 περιπατέω peripateo to walk (around); to live, conduct …
4044 4345 περιπείρω peripeiro to pierce
4045 4346 περιπίπτω peripipto to fall into the hands of; to …
4046 4347 περιποιέω peripoieo (mid.) to keep, save; to gain for …
4047 4348 περιποίησις peripoiesis possession, property; sharing in, …
4048 4351 περιρήγνυμι periregnymi to strip off, tear off
4049 4352 περισπάω perispao (pass.) to be distracted
4050 4353 περισσεία perisseia abundance, prevalence
4051 4354 περίσσευμα perisseuma overflow, plenty; what is left …
4052 4355 περισσεύω perisseuo to have abundance, more than …
4053 4356 περισσός perissos exceeding, going beyond; full, …
4055 4358 περισσότερος perissoteros more than, even more; greater than; …
4056 4359 περισσοτέρως perissoteros to a much greater degree; …
4057 4360 περισσῶς perissos even more, all the more
4058 4361 περιστερά peristera dove, pigeon
4059 4362 περιτέμνω peritemno to circumcise
4060 4363 περιτίθημι peritithemi to put on, set on; to treat with
4061 4364 περιτομή peritome circumcision; fig., the Jews (as a …
4062 4365 περιτρέπω peritrepo to drive (to insanity)
4063 4366 περιτρέχω peritrecho to run throughout, run about
4064 4367 περιφέρω periphero to carry, carry around; (pass.) to …
4065 4368 περιφρονέω periphroneo to despise, look down on
4066 4369 περίχωρος perichoros neighboring; (n.) surrounding country
4067 4370 περίψημα peripsema refuse, garbage, that which is …
4068 4371 περπερεύομαι perpereuomai to boast, brag
4069 4372 Περσίς Persis Persis, female Persian
4070 4373 πέρυσι perysi from last year, since last year
4071 4374 πετεινόν peteinon bird
4072 4375 πέτομαι petomai to fly
4073 4376 πέτρα petra rock, bedrock, rocky crag, or other …
4074 4377 Πέτρος Petros Peter; this has the designative …
4075 4378 πετρώδης petrodes rocky, stony; (n.) rocky place, …
4076 4379 πήγανον peganon rue (a garden herb)
4077 4380 πηγή pege spring, well (of water); flow (of …
4078 4381 πήγνυμι pegnymi to set up
4079 4382 πηδάλιον pedalion rudder, steering paddle
4080 4383 πηλίκος pelikos how great, how large
4081 4384 πηλός pelos mud, lump of clay
4082 4385 πήρα pera traveler's bag
4456 4386 πηρόω peroo to disable, maim
4457 4387 πήρωσις perosis nearsightedness, blindness
4083 4388 πῆχυς pechus measure of length: cubit, or time: …
4084 4389 πιάζω piazo to seize, to grasp an object, …
4085 4390 πιέζω piezo (pass.) to be pressed down
4086 4391 πιθανολογία pithanologia fine-sounding arguments, persuasive …
3981 4392 πιθός pithos persuasive
4087 4393 πικραίνω pikraino to turn sour, make bitter; to …
4088 4394 πικρία pikria bitterness
4089 4395 πικρός pikros bitter, salty
4090 4396 πικρῶς pikros bitterly
4091 4397 Πιλᾶτος Pilatos Pilate, [family name]
4130 4398 πίμπλημι pimplemi to fill; (pass.) to be filled, …
4092 4399 πίμπρημι pimpremi to swell
4093 4400 πινακίδιον pinakidion (small) writing tablet
4093 4401 πινακίς pinakis (small) writing tablet
4094 4402 πίναξ pinax platter, dish
4095 4403 πίνω pino to drink
4096 4404 πιότης piotes richness, nourishing sap
4097 4405 πιπράσκω piprasko to sell
4098 4406 πίπτω pipto to fall, collapse; to bow down; to …
4099 4407 Πισιδία Pisidia Pisidia
4099 4408 Πισίδιος Pisidios Pisidian
4100 4409 πιστεύω pisteuo to believe, put one's faith in, …
4101 4410 πιστικός pistikos pure
4102 4411 πίστις pistis faith, faithfulness, belief, trust, …
4103 4412 πιστός pistos faithful, trustworthy, reliable, …
4104 4413 πιστόω pistoo (pass.) to be convinced of
4105 4414 πλανάω planao to lead astray, cause to wander, …
4106 4415 πλάνη plane error, delusion, deception
4107 4417 πλανήτης planetes wanderer; (a.) wandering
4108 4418 πλάνος planos deceiving, leading astray; (n.) …
4109 4419 πλάξ plax stone tablet
4110 4420 πλάσμα plasma what is formed, molded
4111 4421 πλάσσω plasso to form, mold
4112 4422 πλαστός plastos made up, fabricated, false
4113 4423 πλατεῖα plateia (main) street, wide road
4114 4424 πλάτος platos width, breadth
4115 4425 πλατύνω platyno to open wide, make wide
4116 4426 πλατύς platys wide, broad
4117 4427 πλέγμα plegma something braided or woven
4120 4428 πλέκω pleko to twist together, weave, braid
4121 4429 πλεονάζω pleonazo to make increase; (intr.) to grow, …
4122 4430 πλεονεκτέω pleonekteo to exploit, take advantage of, outwit
4123 4431 πλεονέκτης pleonektes greedy person
4124 4432 πλεονεξία pleonexia greediness, avarice
4125 4433 πλευρά pleura side (of the body)
4126 4434 πλέω pleo to travel by ship, sail
4127 4435 πληγή plege plague; punishment: beating, …
4128 4436 πλῆθος plethos large number, crowd, multitude, …
4129 4437 πληθύνω plethuno to increase, grow in numbers, abound
4131 4438 πλήκτης plektes violent man, bully
4132 4439 πλήμμυρα plemmyra flood, high water; in context …
4133 4440 πλήν plen but, however, only, yet
4134 4441 πλήρης pleres full
4135 4442 πληροφορέω plerophoreo to fulfill (completely); (pass.) to …
4136 4443 πληροφορία plerophoria full assurance, certainty, conviction
4137 4444 πληρόω pleroo to fulfill, make full; (pass.) to …
4138 4445 πλήρωμα pleroma fullness, fulfillment
4139 4446 πλησίον plesion near, close by; (n.) neighbor; …
4140 4447 πλησμονή plesmone indulgence, gratification
4141 4448 πλήσσω plesso (pass.) to be struck
4142 4449 πλοιάριον ploiarion (small) boat
4143 4450 πλοῖον ploion boat, ship
1708 4451 πλοκή ploke braiding, braid
4144 4452 πλόος ploos voyage, navigation; same as {4453}
4144 4453 πλοῦς plous voyage, navigation; same as {4452}
4145 4454 πλούσιος plousios rich, wealthy; (n.) rich person
4146 4455 πλουσίως plousios richly, generously, abundantly
4147 4456 πλουτέω plouteo to be rich; (pf.) to have acquired …
4148 4457 πλουτίζω ploutizo to make rich; (pass.) to be enriched
4149 4458 πλοῦτος ploutos riches, wealth
4150 4459 πλύνω plyno to wash (things)
4151 4460 πνεῦμα pneuma wind, breath, things which are …
4152 4461 πνευματικός pneumatikos spiritual, pertaining to the …
4153 4462 πνευματικῶς pneumatikos spiritually; figuratively
4154 4463 πνέω pneo to blow (of wind)
4155 4464 πνίγω pnigo to choke or strangle; drown
4156 4465 πνικτός pniktos strangled, choked; (n.) meat of …
4157 4466 πνοή pnoe wind, breath
4158 4468 ποδήρης poderes reaching to the feet; (n.) robe …
3537 4469 ποδινιπτήρ podinipter basin for washing feet
4159 4470 πόθεν pothen from where, from which
4169 4471 ποία poia grass, herb
4160 4472 ποιέω poieo to do, make, practice, produce, a …
4161 4473 ποίημα poiema what is made, workmanship, creation
4162 4474 ποίησις poiesis doing, working
4163 4475 ποιητής poietes doer, keeper, obeyer; poet
4164 4476 ποικίλος poikilos of various kinds, of all kinds
4165 4477 ποιμαίνω poimaino to shepherd, take care of sheep; to …
4166 4478 ποιμήν poimen shepherd; pastor
4167 4479 ποίμνη poimne flock
4168 4480 ποίμνιον poimnion flock
4169 4481 ποῖος poios what?, which?, of what kind?
4170 4482 πολεμέω polemeo to fight, make war
4171 4483 πόλεμος polemos war, battle, fight
4172 4484 πόλις polis city, town, village
4173 4485 πολιτάρχης politarches city official, formally, …
4174 4486 πολιτεία politeia citizenship
4175 4487 πολίτευμα politeuma citizenship
4176 4488 πολιτεύομαι politeuomai to fulfill one's duty; to conduct …
4177 4489 πολίτης polites citizen, subjects of a kingdom; …
4178 4490 πολλάκις pollakis many times, again and again, often, …
4179 4491 πολλαπλασίων pollaplasion many times as much
4184 4492 πολυεύστλαγχνος polyeustlanchnos rich in compassion
0 4493 πολύλαλος polylalos talkative, garrulous
4180 4494 πολυλογία polylogia speaking many words, wordiness
4181 4495 πολυμερῶς polymeros at many times, in many ways
0 4496 πολυπλήθεια polypletheia large crowd
4182 4497 πολυποίκιλος polypoikilos manifold, (very) many sided
0 4498 πλείων pleion  
4118 4498 πολύς polys many, great, large; (compar.) more …
4184 4499 πολύσπλαγχνος polysplanchnos full of compassion, full of mercy
4185 4500 πολυτελής polyteles expensive, of great worth, costly
4186 4501 πολύτιμος polytimos expensive, of great worth, valuable
4187 4502 πολυτρόπως polytropos in various ways
4188 4503 πόμα poma drink
4189 4504 πονηρία poneria evil, wickedness, malice, in the NT …
4190 4505 πονηρός poneros bad, the negative quality of an …
4192 4506 πόνος ponos pain, agony; hard work, toil
4193 4507 Ποντικός Pontikos from Pontus
4194 4508 Πόντιος Pontios Pontius, [tribal name]
5117 4509 Πόντος Pontos open sea
4195 4510 πόντος pontos Pontus, sea
4196 4511 Πόπλιος Poplios Publius, first
4197 4512 πορεία poreia journey, trip; going about one's …
0 4513 πορεύομαι poreuomai See πορεύω
4198 4513 πορεύω poreuo to come, go, travel
4199 4514 πορθέω portheo to destroy, annihilate; to raise …
4200 4516 πορισμός porismos means of gain
4201 4517 Πόρκιος Porkios Porcius, [tribal name]
4202 4518 πορνεία porneia sexual immorality, fornication, …
4203 4519 πορνεύω porneuo to commit sexual immorality of any …
4204 4520 πόρνη porne prostitute, a woman who practices …
4205 4521 πόρνος pornos one who is sexually immoral (male …
4206 4522 πόρρω porro far, a long way off; (compar.) …
4207 4523 πόρρωθεν porrothen from a distance, at a distance
4208 4524 πορρωτέρω porrotero farther
4209 4525 πορφύρα porphyra purple (cloth or robe)
4210 4526 πορφύρεος porphyreos purple, purple cloth, in some …
4211 4527 πορφυρόπωλις porphyropolis dealer in purple cloth
4210 4528 πορφυροῦς porphyrous purple, purple cloth, in some …
4212 4529 ποσάκις posakis how many times?; how often!
4213 4530 πόσις posis drinking; a drink
4214 4531 πόσος posos how great?, how much?, how many?; …
4215 4532 ποταμός potamos river, stream, torrent
4216 4533 ποταμοφόρητος potamophoretos swept away by a torrential flow of …
4217 4534 ποταπός potapos of what kind?; how great!
4458 4535 ποταπῶς potapos in what way, how
4219 4536 πότε pote when? how long?
4218 4537 ποτε pote once, at one time, formerly; now, …
4220 4538 πότερον poteron whether
4221 4539 ποτήριον poterion cup
4222 4540 ποτίζω potizo to give or offer a drink; to water
4223 4541 Ποτίολοι Potioloi Puteoli, rotten [sulphur] smell} …
4224 4542 πότος potos carousing, drinking party, orgy
4225 4543 που pou somewhere, a place where; about, …
4226 4544 ποῦ pou where?, at what place?
4227 4545 Πούδης Poudes Pudens, modest
4228 4546 πούς pous foot; leg
4229 4547 πρᾶγμα pragma thing, matter, practice
4230 4548 πραγματεία pragmateia (pl.) affairs, concerns
4231 4549 πραγματεύομαι pragmateuomai to put capital to work, do business
4232 4550 πραιτώριον praitorion Praetorium; palace (of the …
4233 4551 πράκτωρ praktor officer, a bailiff or constable in …
4234 4552 πρᾶξις praxis deed, action, practice; function
4235 4553 πρᾶος praos gentle, humble, considerate
4236 4554 πραότης praotes gentleness, humility, courtesy, …
4237 4555 πρασιά prasia group; in context this word is …
4238 4556 πράσσω prasso to do, act, practice
4236 4557 πραυ&πάθεια praupatheia gentleness
4239 4558 πραΰς praus gentle, meek, the positive moral …
4240 4559 πραΰτης prautes gentleness, meekness, humility
4241 4560 πρέπω prepo to be proper, appropriate, fitting
4242 4561 πρεσβεία presbeia delegation, ambassador
4243 4563 πρεσβεύω presbeuo to be an ambassador
4244 4564 πρεσβυτέριον presbyterion body or council of the elders, …
4245 4565 πρεσβύτερος presbyteros older; ancestral; (n.) in the …
4246 4566 πρεσβύτης presbytes older man, possibly an official of …
4247 4567 πρεσβῦτις presbytis older woman, possibly an official …
4248 4568 πρηνής prenes headlong, headfirst in prone …
4249 4569 πρίζω prizo (pass.) to be sawn in two
4250 4570 πρίν prin before
4251 4571 Πρίσκα Priska Prisca, Priscilla
4252 4572 Πρίσκιλλα Priskilla Priscilla, Prisca
4253 4574 πρό pro (of place) before, at; (of time) …
4254 4575 προάγω proago to go on ahead, lead the way; to …
4255 4576 προαιρέω proaireo (mid.) to decide, determine
4256 4577 προαιτιάομαι proaitiaomai to make a charge beforehand
4257 4578 προακούω proakouo to hear about beforehand
4258 4579 προαμαρτάνω proamartano to sin earlier, to have sinned …
4259 4580 προαύλιον proaulion entryway, gateway
4260 4581 προβαίνω probaino (spacial) to go on, go on farther; …
4261 4582 προβάλλω proballo to push to the front, cause to come …
4262 4583 προβατικός probatikos pertaining to sheep; (pr.n.) the …
4263 4584 προβάτιον probation lamb
4263 4585 πρόβατον probaton sheep
4264 4586 προβιβάζω probibazo (pass.) to be prompted, caused to …
4265 4587 προβλέπω problepo (mid.) to plan, select, provide
4266 4588 προγίνομαι proginomai to commit beforehand, happen …
4267 4589 προγινώσκω proginosko to know beforehand, foreknow; …
4268 4590 πρόγνωσις prognosis foreknowledge
4269 4591 πρόγονος progonos (pl.) parents, forefathers, ancestors
4270 4592 προγράφω prographo to write beforehand; to show …
4271 4593 πρόδηλος prodelos obvious, clear, evident
4272 4594 προδίδωμι prodidomi to give beforehand
4273 4595 προδότης prodotes traitor, betrayer, treacherous one
4274 4596 πρόδρομος prodromos going before, forerunner
4302 4597 προεῖπον proeipon to foretell, tell beforehand
4276 4598 προελπίζω proelpizo to be the first to hope, hope …
4278 4599 προενάρχομαι proenarchomai to begin beforehand, begin previously
4279 4600 προεπαγγέλλω proepangello (mid.) to promise beforehand; …
4281 4601 προέρχομαι proerchomai to go on ahead; to lead; to visit …
4282 4602 προετοιμάζω proetoimazo to prepare in advance
4283 4603 προευαγγελίζομαι proeuangelizomai to announce the gospel in advance
4284 4604 προέχω proecho (mid.) to be better off, have an …
4285 4605 προηγέομαι proegeomai to put above, go before
4286 4606 πρόθεσις prothesis setting forth: plan, purpose, will; …
4287 4607 προθεσμία prothesmia set time, fixed or limited time
4288 4608 προθυμία prothumia eagerness, willingness, readiness
4289 4609 πρόθυμος prothumos willing, eager
4290 4610 προθύμως prothumos eagerly, willingly
4406 4611 πρόι&μος proimos early; (n.) autumn rains (in …
4291 4613 προΐστημι proistemi (act/mid) to manage, direct, lead; …
4292 4614 προκαλέω prokaleo (mid.) to provoke, challenge
4293 4615 προκαταγγέλλω prokatangello to foretell, predict, announce …
4294 4616 προκαταρτίζω prokatartizo to arrange for in advance, get …
4295 4618 πρόκειμαι prokeimai (pass.) to be set before, present
4296 4619 προκηρύσσω prokerysso to preach beforehand
4297 4620 προκοπή prokope progress, advancement
4298 4621 προκόπτω prokopto to go ahead, go forward, advance
4299 4622 πρόκριμα prokrima partiality, discrimination, prejudice
4300 4623 προκυρόω prokyroo to establish previously, ratify …
4301 4624 προλαμβάνω prolambano to take beforehand; to go on ahead; …
4302 4625 προλέγω prolego to tell beforehand; to speak in the …
4303 4626 προμαρτύρομαι promartyromai to predict, bear witness to …
4304 4627 προμελετάω promeletao to worry beforehand; some translate …
4305 4628 προμεριμνάω promerimnao to worry or be anxious beforehand
4306 4629 προνοέω pronoeo to provide for, care for; to …
4307 4630 πρόνοια pronoia foresight, provision, care
4275 4632 προοράω proorao to see previously; to see ahead, …
4309 4633 προορίζω proorizo to predestine, decide beforehand
4310 4634 προπάσχω propascho to suffer previously
3962 4635 προπάτωρ propator forefather, ancestor
4311 4636 προπέμπω propempo to accompany, escort; to send on …
4312 4637 προπετής propetes rash, reckless, thoughtless
4313 4638 προπορεύομαι proporeuomai to go before
4314 4639 πρός pros (gen.) to, for; (dat.) on, at, …
4315 4640 προσάββατον prosabbaton day before the Sabbath (Friday)
4316 4641 προσαγορεύω prosagoreuo to designate
4317 4642 προσάγω prosago to bring to; to approach, come near
4318 4643 προσαγωγή prosagoge access; approach
4319 4644 προσαιτέω prosaiteo to beg
4319 4645 προσαίτης prosaites beggar
4320 4646 προσαναβαίνω prosanabaino to move up, go up
4321 4648 προσαναλίσκω prosanalisko to spend lavishly or in addition
4321 4649 προσαναλόω prosanaloo to spend lavishly or in addition
4322 4650 προσαναπληρόω prosanapleroo to supply, fill up
4323 4651 προσανατίθημι prosanatithemi to add; to consult, ask advice
4317 4652 προσανέχω prosanecho to rise up toward
4324 4653 προσαπειλέω prosapeileo to threaten further
4317 4654 προσαχέω prosacheo to resound
4325 4655 προσδαπανάω prosdapanao to spend extra
4326 4656 προσδέομαι prosdeomai to need
4327 4657 προσδέχομαι prosdechomai to receive, welcome, accept; to …
1929 4658 προσδίδωμι prosdidomi to give (over)
4328 4659 προσδοκάω prosdokao to look forward to, expect, wait for
4329 4660 προσδοκία prosdokia anticipation, expectation; …
4330 4661 προσεάω proseao to allow to go farther
4331 4662 προσεγγίζω prosengizo to approach, come near
4332 4663 προσεδρεύω prosedreuo to serve, wait upon
4333 4664 προσεργάζομαι prosergazomai to earn more
4334 4665 προσέρχομαι proserchomai to come to, approach, draw near; to …
4335 4666 προσευχή proseuche prayer; place of prayer
4336 4667 προσεύχομαι proseuchomai to pray
4337 4668 προσέχω prosecho to watch out, be on guard, beware; …
4338 4669 προσηλόω proseloo to nail to
4339 4670 προσήλυτος proselytos Gentile convert (to Judaism), …
4340 4672 πρόσκαιρος proskairos lasting only for a short time, …
4341 4673 προσκαλέω proskaleo (mid.) to call, summon, send for; …
4342 4674 προσκαρτερέω proskartereo to join, adhere to; to be ready; to …
4343 4675 προσκαρτέρησις proskarteresis perseverance, patience
4344 4676 προσκεφάλαιον proskephalaion cushion, pillow
4345 4677 προσκληρόω proskleroo (pass.) to be joined with, …
4346 4678 πρόσκλησις prosklesis summons, invitation
4347 4679 προσκλίνω prosklino (pass.) to be rallied to, …
4346 4680 πρόσκλισις prosklisis favoritism, partiality
4347 4681 προσκολλάω proskollao (pass.) to be united to
4348 4682 πρόσκομμα proskomma stumbling block, something that …
4349 4683 προσκοπή proskope stumbling block, occasion for …
4350 4684 προσκόπτω proskopto to strike, beat; (intr.) to …
4351 4685 προσκυλίω proskylio to roll in front of, roll up to
4352 4686 προσκυνέω proskyneo to worship, pay homage, show …
4353 4687 προσκυνητής proskynetes worshiper
4354 4688 προσλαλέω proslaleo to talk with
4355 4689 προσλαμβάνω proslambano to take aside, take along; to …
4356 4691 πρόσλημψις proslempsis acceptance
4356 4692 πρόσληψις proslepsis acceptance
4357 4693 προσμένω prosmeno to be with, continue in, remain, stay
4358 4694 προσορμίζω prosormizo (pass.) to be anchored, come into …
4359 4695 προσοφείλω prosopheilo to owe (in addition)
4360 4696 προσοχθίζω prosochthizo to be angry, provoked
0 4697 προσπαίω prospaio to strike against, beat against
4361 4698 πρόσπεινος prospeinos hungry
4362 4699 προσπήγνυμι prospegnymi to nail to (the cross)
4363 4700 προσπίπτω prospipto to fall down before; to beat …
4364 4701 προσποιέω prospoieo to act as if, pretend
4365 4702 προσπορεύομαι prosporeuomai to come to, approach
4366 4703 προσρήγνυμι prosregnymi to strike upon
4366 4704 προσρήσσω prosresso to strike upon
4367 4705 προστάσσω prostasso (act./mid.) to command, order; …
4368 4706 προστάτις prostatis helper
4369 4707 προστίθημι prostithemi to add to, increase ; (pass.) to be …
4370 4708 προστρέχω prostrecho to run up to
4371 4709 προσφάγιον prosphagion (little) fish
4372 4710 πρόσφατος prosphatos new
4373 4711 προσφάτως prosphatos recently
4374 4712 προσφέρω prosphero to bring to, present, offer; to …
4375 4713 προσφιλής prosphiles lovely, pleasing
4376 4714 προσφορά prosphora offering, presentation
4377 4715 προσφωνέω prosphoneo to call out; speak to, address
4370 4716 προσχαίρω proschairo to be glad
4378 4717 πρόσχυσις proschusis sprinkling
4379 4718 προσψαύω prospsauo to touch
4380 4719 προσωπολημπτέω prosopolempteo to show favoritism, partiality
4381 4720 προσωπολήμπτης prosopolemptes one who shows favoritism, partiality
4382 4721 προσωπολημψία prosopolempsia favoritism, partiality
4380 4722 προσωποληπτέω prosopolepteo to show favoritism, partiality
4381 4723 προσωπολήπτης prosopoleptes one who shows favoritism, partiality
4382 4724 προσωποληψία prosopolepsia favoritism, partiality
4383 4725 πρόσωπον prosopon face, a part of the body; by …
4384 4726 προτάσσω protasso to determine beforehand, allot …
4385 4727 προτείνω proteino to stretch out
4386 4728 πρότερος proteros before; (adv.) before, formerly, an …
4388 4729 προτίθημι protithemi (mid.) to plan, purpose; to …
4389 4730 προτρέπω protrepo to encourage, urge on
4390 4731 προτρέχω protrecho to run ahead
4391 4732 πρου&πάρχω prouparcho to exist formerly
4392 4733 πρόφασις prophasis excuse; pretense, show, cover
4393 4734 προφέρω prophero to bring out
4394 4735 προφητεία propheteia prophecy, an inspired message, …
4395 4736 προφητεύω propheteuo to prophesy, to speak an inspired …
4396 4737 προφήτης prophetes prophet, one who speaks inspired …
4397 4738 προφητικός prophetikos prophetic, prophesy; see also {4735}
4398 4739 προφῆτις prophetis prophetess, a woman who speaks …
4399 4740 προφθάνω prophthano to anticipate, come before
4400 4741 προχειρίζω procheirizo (mid.) to choose, appoint
4401 4742 προχειροτονέω procheirotoneo to choose beforehand, appoint …
4402 4743 Πρόχορος Prochoros Procorus
4403 4744 πρύμνα prymna stern (of a vessel)
4404 4745 πρωΐ proi early in the morning
4405 4746 πρωΐα proia early morning
4406 4747 πρώι&μος proimos early; (n.) autumn rains
4407 4748 πρωι&νός proinos early, pertaining to the morning
4408 4749 πρῷρα prora bow (of a vessel)
4409 4750 πρωτεύω proteuo to be supreme, first, have first …
4410 4751 πρωτοκαθεδρία protokathedria most important seat, seat of honor
4411 4752 πρωτοκλισία protoklisia place of honor
3144 4753 πρωτόμαρτυς protomartys first martyr
4412 4754 πρῶτον proton first; earlier; above all
4413 4755 πρῶτος protos first (chronologically or in order …
4414 4756 πρωτοστάτης protostates ringleader, leader
4415 4757 πρωτοτόκια prototokia inheritance rights (of the firstborn)
4416 4758 πρωτότοκος prototokos firstborn (human or animal). In …
4412 4759 πρώτως protos for the first time
4417 4760 πταίω ptaio to stumble, fall, trip
4418 4761 πτέρνα pterna heel
4419 4762 πτερύγιον pterygion highest point
4420 4763 πτέρυξ pteryx wing
4421 4764 πτηνός ptenos what is winged or feathered; (n.) …
4422 4765 πτοέω ptoeo (pass.) to be startled, frightened
4423 4766 πτόησις ptoesis something alarming
4424 4767 Πτολεμαΐς Ptolemais Ptolemais
4425 4768 πτύον ptyon winnowing fork or shovel
4426 4769 πτύρω ptyro (pass.) to be frightened
4427 4770 πτύσμα ptysma saliva, spit
4428 4771 πτύσσω ptysso to roll up
4429 4772 πτύω ptyo to spit (saliva)
4430 4773 πτῶμα ptoma dead body, carcass, corpse
4431 4774 πτῶσις ptosis falling, crash
4432 4775 πτωχεία ptocheia poverty
4433 4776 πτωχεύω ptocheuo to be or become poor
4434 4777 πτωχός ptochos poor; (n.) poor, beggar, a person …
4435 4778 πυγμή pygme fist; with a fist = NIV …
4436 4780 Πύθων Python spirit of divination
4437 4781 πυκνός pyknos (a.) often, frequent, numerous; …
4438 4782 πυκτεύω pykteuo to fight with the fist, box
4439 4783 πύλη pyle (city) gate
4440 4784 πυλών pylon gate, door, entryway
4441 4785 πυνθάνομαι pynthanomai to ask, inquire, question
4442 4786 πῦρ pyr fire, flames
4443 4787 πυρά pyra fire
4444 4788 πύργος pyrgos tower, watchtower
4445 4789 πυρέσσω pyresso to burn with a fever
4446 4790 πυρετός pyretos fever
4447 4791 πύρινος pyrinos fiery red, the color of fire
4448 4792 πυρόω pyroo to burn; to burn inwardly
4449 4793 πυρράζω pyrrazo to be red, the color of fire
4450 4794 πυρρός pyrros fiery red, the color of fire
0 4795 Πύρρος Pyrros Pyrrhus, fiery red
4451 4796 πύρωσις pyrosis burning, painful
4453 4797 πωλέω poleo to sell
4454 4798 πῶλος polos colt
4455 4799 πώποτε popote ever, at any time
4456 4800 πωρόω poroo to harden, deaden, make dull
4457 4801 πώρωσις porosis hardening, stubbornness
4459 4802 πῶς pos how? in what way?; how!
4452 4803 πως pos somehow, in some way