Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

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Bible Study Greek

Welcome to our Bible Study Greek class. For more information, see our landing page. All the free resources teachers and students will need are listed in the Orientation lesson below. 

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Lesson Completed

Here are all the resources you will need for Bible Study Greek, both free resources and those you will need to purchase.

1. The Greek Language

Bill will set Biblical Greek in its historical position and, incidently, show that English does not come from Latin.

2. Alphabet & Transliteration

The natural starting point is the Greek alphabet. Transliteration is the process of representing a Greek word with the English alphabet. Most books refer to Greek words with their transliteration.

3. Pronunciation

The next step is to learn to pronounce words. It also helps to remove any initial fears you might have at learning Greek; it’s not that hard.

Let's Practice Reading

This chapter will help you practice your reading of Greek. There is no corresponding class in the textbook.

4. English Nouns

After the alphabet, inflection is what makes Greek the most different from English and hard for us to understand. Inflection just means that words change their form because of differences in meaning and function, much like the same pronoun can be “he” (masculine), “she” (feminine), or “they” (plural). In this chapter we will focus on the inflection of English nouns.

5. Greek Nouns

Now that you know how inflection functions in the English noun system, in this chapter we will focus on the inflection of Greek nouns.

6. Prepositions

Prepositions are those little words that specify the relationship between two nouns. “The book is under the table.” “The words went through her heart.” What is different about Greek prepositions is that they control the case of their object.

7. English Verbs

Now that we have a handle on noun inflection, it is time to turn to verbs, starting with English verbs.

8. Greek Verbs (Indicative)

Now let‘s learn how the Greek verb inflects. In this chapter we will focus on the indicative mood.

9. Greek Verbs (Nonindicative)

Now that you understand Greek inflection in the indicative, let‘s learn the other moods. We will also take a look at the middle voice. This chapter combines chapter 9 and chapter 19.7–12 from the second edition.

10. Word Studies

The basics of how you do Greek word studies. When you done with this chapter, you will never have to do English word studies again!

Optional: Fun things to say

Fun little words and sayings to memorize and use in everyday life.

(I'll be adding in the audio for this page when I can carve out the time.)

Greek-English Interlinear

Before we get into Functional Greek, let's spend some time making sure we understand how a traditional interlinear works. There is no corresponding chapter to this lesson in Greek for the Rest of Us.

11. Modifiers

Modifiers are ways we have of clarifying the meaning of a word. In exegesis it is important to see what is the main thought and what clarifies that thought. The more common modifiers are the article “the,” adjectives, prepositional phrases, and relative clauses.

12. Phrases & Clauses

As we continue to get ready for our exegetical method for Bible study, “Phrasing,” recognizing dependent constructions like phrases and clauses is paramount.

In the second edition of Greek for the Rest of us, this was chapter 25.

13. Pronouns

Pronouns are words that replace nouns, like "she" and "them." We will start with English personal pronouns and then move to Greek. Personal pronouns can convey more meaning in Greek than in English, and phrasing insists that you connect the pronoun to its antecedent.

14. Phrasing 101

Phrasing is one of, if not the most, amazing tool you will ever develop for your Bible study. It lays the passage out graphically and forces you to decide what are the main thoughts and how the other statements modify those main statements.

15. Cases: Nominative, Vocative, Accusative

Cases are much more flexible than you might assume from your studies so far. They are used in many situations other than what we have discussed.

16. Cases: Dative and Genitive

In the last chapter we looks at the nominative (and vocative) and accusative cases. In this chapter we will look at the remaining two cases, the dative and the genitive.

17. Conjunctions

Conjunctions are actually more important than you may think since they show the flow of the author's thought. Knowing conjunctions is especially important in phrasing.

18. Phrasing 102

Now that we have a basic understanding of phrasing, it is time to look at a larger passage. In the textbook I discuss Jude, in the video we will look at Eph 1:1–2 (when done), and for homework you will phrase Titus.

19. Verbal Aspect

This most important distinction between time and aspect is central to the meaning of verbs in Greek. It is the hardest thing there is to learn in this class, so let's hit it head on and learn.

