Biblical Greek: First Year |
Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

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Biblical Greek: First Year

This course walks you through Basics of Biblical Greek, helping you learn all the basics of New Testament Greek. It is traditionally a two semester course. For more information, see our landing page. For Track Two, click here.

Please read all the information carefully in the Orientation lecture. This is where you can find all the information relative to the entire course, including Keynote and PowerPoint slides of each chapter in the grammar and workbook, as well as quizzes and keys to each chapter, all updated to match the fourth edition of BBG.

ProfessorYou will start seeing more of the Professor. He will encourage you to learn to speak Greek. It is important to use as many senses as possible in learning a language, and this adds speaking and hearing. Besides, no one should graduate from Greek class without being able to count to ten.

You will need to install the TekniaGreek font in order to view the quizzes and overheads.

Lesson Completed
Class Orientation

Welcome to Greek class. Please read this page for all sorts of information. It includes all recommended books, resources, and free downloads for the entire class.

Watch the orientation lecture Bill gave while at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

You will need to install the TekniaGreek font in order to view the quizzes and overheads.

1. The Greek Language

Summarizes the history of the Greek language and sets Koine Greek in its historical context.

2. Learning Greek

This is an helpful chapter in how you can study Greek.

3. The Alphabet and Pronunciation

The letters of the Greek alphabet and how to pronounce them.

4. Punctuation and Syllabification

Breaking words into their parts so they can be pronounced.

Review 1

Review over chapters 1–4

5. Introduction to English nouns

This chapter summarizes what you need to know about English grammar in order to learn the Greek case system.

6. Nominative and Accusative; Definite Article

We will learn the first two of the four cases in Greek, and will also work with the word basically meaning, "the."

7. Genitive and Dative

We now learn the last two of the four cases. The genitive is the idea of "of," and the dative covers many ideas such as "in, by, for, with," etc.

8. Prepositions and εἰμί

Prepositions are the little words/phrases like "under, into, out of." ειμι is the verb meaning "to be."

9. Adjectives

Adjectives are the words that modify nouns, pronouns, and also modify other adjectives

Review 2

Review over chapters 5 – 9, and 1 John 4:1–6. This is your first full review so be sure to do the exercises carefully. Treat them as a test and don't look at the answers until you are done.

10. Third Declension

The third and final declension for nouns and adjectives

11. First and Second Person Personal Pronouns

 How to say "I" ("we") and "You"

12. αὐτός

 The three uses of αυτος, including how to say "he," "she," "it," and "they"

13. Demonstrative Pronouns

 How to say "this" ("these") and "that" ("those")

14. Relative Pronouns

 The last chapter on the noun system. How to say "who," "which," and "that."

Review 3 (Track 1)

Review of chapters 10–14, and 1 John 1:5–2:5. You are now done with the noun system; so once you have cemented the information in your head with this review, you will be moving on to verbs.

15. Introduction to Verbs

 English grammar over verbs

16. Present Active Indicative

 How to say, "I believe."

17. Contract Verbs

 A different type of verb

18. Present Middle/Passive Indicative

 How to say, "I am believed"

19. Future Active/Middle Indicative

 How to say, "I will believe"

