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Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

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Basics of Biblical Greek Video Lectures

I taught for years at the university and graduate level, and my textbook, Basics of Biblical Greek, has become the standard text. Students paid thousands of dollars to attend my classes, and now you too can enjoy the same lectures. There are 37 lectures ranging between 20 and 35 minutes each, covering almost every paragraph in BBG.

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Bible Study Greek Video Lectures

In these 16 hours of video lectures, Dr. Mounce will teach you enough Greek so you can go deeper in your Bible Study, but without all the time and memory work required by traditional Greek learning approaches.

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Screencasts for the BBG Workbook

Wouldn't it be great if you could get help translating the workbook for Basics of Biblical Greek? Wouldn't it be great if Bill were able to walk you through the translation process for every exercise in the workbook? 

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