Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God


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Forms of the word
Greek transliteration: 
Simplified transliteration: 
Strong's number: 
GK Number: 
Frequency in New Testament: 
Morphology of Biblical Greek Tag: 
badly, wrongly, terribly; (with {2400}) to be ill
ill, badly;, physically ill, sick, Mt. 4:24; 8:16; grievously, vehemently, Mt. 15:22; wretchedly, miserably, Mt. 21:41; wickedly, reproachfully, Acts 23:5; wrongly, criminally, Jn. 18:23; amiss, Jas. 4:3

Greek-English Concordance for κακῶς

Matthew 4:24 And the report about him spread throughout Syria, and they brought to him all who were suffering (kakōs | κακῶς | adverb) with various diseases and pains, demoniacs, epileptics, and paralytics, and he healed them.
Matthew 8:16 Now when evening came, they brought to him many who were possessed by demons, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all who were ill (kakōs | κακῶς | adverb).
Matthew 9:12 But when Jesus heard it, he said, “Those who are well have no need of a doctor, but those who are sick (kakōs | κακῶς | adverb).
Matthew 14:35 When the men of that place recognized him, they sent word into all the surrounding area and brought to him all who were sick (kakōs | κακῶς | adverb).
Matthew 15:22 And a Canaanite woman from that region came out and began to shout, saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is horribly (kakōs | κακῶς | adverb) demon-possessed.”
Matthew 17:15 and said, “Lord, take pity on my son, because he is an epileptic and suffers terribly (kakōs | κακῶς | adverb); for he often falls into the fire and often into the water.
Matthew 21:41 They said to him, “He will bring those wretches to a wretched (kakōs | κακῶς | adverb) end and lease the vineyard to other tenants who will give him his share at their harvest.”
Mark 1:32 At evening when the sun had gone down, the sun people were bringing to him all who were sick (kakōs | κακῶς | adverb) were as well as the demon-possessed.
Mark 1:34 So he healed many who were sick (kakōs | κακῶς | adverb) with various diseases, and drove out many demons. But he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him.
Mark 2:17 When Jesus heard Jesus this he said to them, “Those who are in good health have no need have “Those who are in good health of a doctor, but those who are physically ill (kakōs | κακῶς | adverb). who are I have not come to call the pious, but sinners, to repentance.”
Mark 6:55 ran throughout that whole area, and began to bring the ill (kakōs | κακῶς | adverb) on mats to wherever they heard he was.
Luke 5:31 In response Jesus said to them, “Those who are healthy have no need of a doctor, but those who are sick (kakōs | κακῶς | adverb) do;
Luke 7:2 The servant of a certain centurion who was highly valued by him was sick (kakōs | κακῶς | adverb) and about to die.
John 18:23 Jesus replied, “If I spoke incorrectly (kakōs | κακῶς | adverb), testify about the error; but if I spoke correctly, why do you hit me?”
Acts 23:5 And Paul said, “I did not realize, brothers, that he was high priest; for it is written, ‘You shall not speak evil (kakōs | κακῶς | adverb) about the ruler of your people.’”
James 4:3 You ask and do not receive because you ask for the wrong reason (kakōs | κακῶς | adverb), that you can spend it on your pleasures.