For an Informed Love of God
Bill Mounce
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(as a connective) and; (connecting and continuing) and then, then; (as a disjuntive) but, yet, however; (as an adv.) also, even, likewise
(1) and, Mt. 2:2, 3, 11; 4:22; (2) και και, both and; (3) as a cumulative particle, also, too, Mt. 5:39; Jn. 8:19; 1 Cor. 11:6; (4) emphatic, even, also, Mt. 10:30; 1 Cor. 2:10; in NT adversative, but, Mt. 11:19; also introductory of the apodosis of a sentence, Gal. 3:28; Jas. 2:4
Greek-English Concordance for καί
Jude 1:1 | Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James, to those who are called, who are loved in God the Father and (kai | καί | conj) kept for Jesus Christ: |
Jude 1:2 | May mercy, peace, and (kai | καί | conj) love be yours in ever increasing measure. |
Jude 1:4 | For certain men have stolen in unawares — men who long ago were designated for this condemnation — ungodly men who turn the grace of our God into an excuse for blatant immorality, and (kai | καί | conj) deny our only Master and (kai | καί | conj) Lord, Jesus Christ. |
Jude 1:7 | Likewise, Sodom and (kai | καί | conj) Gomorrah and (kai | καί | conj) the neighboring towns, which indulged in sexual immorality in the same way as the angels and (kai | καί | conj) pursued unnatural desire, are exhibited as an example by undergoing the punishment of eternal fire. |
Jude 1:8 | Yet in the same way these people also (kai | καί | adverb), relying on their dreams, defile the flesh, reject authority, and blaspheme the glorious ones. |
Jude 1:11 | Woe to them! For they take the way of Cain, and (kai | καί | conj) abandon themselves to the error of Balaam for the sake of gain, and (kai | καί | conj) perish in the rebellion of Korah. |
Jude 1:14 | It was also (kai | καί | adverb) about these that Enoch, the seventh in descent from Adam, prophesied, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of his holy ones |
Jude 1:15 | to execute judgment on all and (kai | καί | conj) to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly acts that they have committed in their ungodliness, and (kai | καί | conj) of all the harsh things that ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” |
Jude 1:16 | These people are grumblers, malcontents who follow their sinful desires; their speech is arrogant, they flatter others to gain advantage. |
Jude 1:22 | And (kai | καί | conj) have mercy on some who are wavering; |
Jude 1:23 | save others by snatching them out of the fire; and have mercy on others with fear, hating even (kai | καί | adverb) the garment stained by the flesh. |
Jude 1:24 | Now to the one who is able to keep you from stumbling, and (kai | καί | conj) to make you stand in his glorious presence without blame and with great joy — |
Jude 1:25 | to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, belong glory, majesty, power, and (kai | καί | conj) authority, before all time, now and (kai | καί | conj) forever. Amen. |
Revelation 1:1 | The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things that must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, |
Revelation 1:2 | who bore witness to everything he saw, the word of God and (kai | καί | conj) the testimony of Jesus Christ. |
Revelation 1:3 | Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and (kai | καί | conj) those who hear and (kai | καί | conj) keep what is written in it, for the time is near. |
Revelation 1:4 | John to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace to you and (kai | καί | conj) peace from the one who is, and (kai | καί | conj) who was, and (kai | καί | conj) who is to come, and (kai | καί | conj) from the seven spirits who are before his throne, |
Revelation 1:5 | and (kai | καί | conj) from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and (kai | καί | conj) the ruler of the kings of the world. To him who loves us and (kai | καί | conj) has freed us from our sins by his blood |
Revelation 1:6 | and (kai | καί | conj) has made us a kingdom, priests to his God and (kai | καί | conj) Father, to him be glory and (kai | καί | conj) dominion forever and ever. Amen. |
Revelation 1:7 | Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and (kai | καί | conj) every eye will see him, even (kai | καί | conj) those who pierced him; and (kai | καί | conj) all the tribes of earth will wail on account of him. So shall it be! Amen. |
Revelation 1:8 | “I am the Alpha and (kai | καί | conj) the Omega,” says the Lord God, “the one who is, and (kai | καί | conj) who was, and (kai | καί | conj) who is to come, the Almighty.” |
Revelation 1:9 | I, John, your brother and (kai | καί | conj) partner in the tribulation and (kai | καί | conj) kingdom and (kai | καί | conj) patient endurance that are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos on account of the word of God and (kai | καί | conj) the testimony of Jesus. |
Revelation 1:10 | I was in the spirit on the Lord’s Day, and (kai | καί | conj) I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, |
Revelation 1:11 | saying, “Write what you see on a scroll and (kai | καί | conj) send it to the seven churches — to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and (kai | καί | conj) Laodicea.” |
Revelation 1:12 | And (kai | καί | conj) I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me, and (kai | καί | conj) when I had turned I saw seven golden lampstands, |
Revelation 1:13 | and (kai | καί | conj) in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, dressed in a long robe and (kai | καί | conj) with a gold sash tied high across his chest. |
Revelation 1:14 | His head and (kai | καί | conj) his hair were white, like white wool, like snow, and (kai | καί | conj) his eyes were like a flame of fire. |
Revelation 1:15 | His feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and (kai | καί | conj) his voice was like the roar of many waters. |
Revelation 1:16 | In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and (kai | καί | conj) his face was shining like the sun at full strength. |
Revelation 1:17 | And (kai | καί | conj) when I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. And (kai | καί | conj) he laid his right hand on me, saying, “Do not fear! I am the First and (kai | καί | conj) the Last, |
Revelation 1:18 | the Living One. I was dead, but (kai | καί | conj) behold, I am alive for ever and ever! And (kai | καί | conj) I hold the keys of death and (kai | καί | conj) of Hades. |
Revelation 1:19 | Write therefore the things that you have seen, those that are, and (kai | καί | conj) those that are to take place after this. |
Revelation 1:20 | The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand, and (kai | καί | conj) the seven golden lampstands, is this: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and (kai | καί | conj) the seven lampstands are the seven churches. |
Revelation 2:2 | I know your works, your toil and (kai | καί | conj) your patient endurance, and (kai | καί | conj) that you cannot put up with those who are evil, but (kai | καί | conj) have tested those who call themselves apostles (but (kai | καί | conj) are not) and (kai | καί | conj) found them to be false. |
Revelation 2:3 | I also (kai | καί | conj) know that you have demonstrated your patience and (kai | καί | conj) borne hardship for my name’s sake, and (kai | καί | conj) have not grown weary. |
Revelation 2:5 | Therefore remember from where you have fallen; repent and (kai | καί | conj) do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and (kai | καί | conj) remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent. |
Revelation 2:8 | “To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: The one who is the First and (kai | καί | conj) the Last, who died and (kai | καί | conj) came to life, has this to say: |
Revelation 2:9 | I know your affliction and (kai | καί | conj) your poverty (but you are rich), and (kai | καί | conj) the slander against you by those who call themselves Jews and (kai | καί | conj) are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. |
Revelation 2:10 | Do not fear what you are about to suffer. The devil is about to throw some of you into prison so that you may be tested, and (kai | καί | conj) you will have affliction for ten days. Be faithful until death, and (kai | καί | conj) I will give you the crown of life. |
Revelation 2:12 | “To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: The one who has the sharp two-edged sword has this to say: |
Revelation 2:13 | I know where you live, where Satan has his throne. Yet (kai | καί | conj) you are holding fast to my name, and (kai | καί | conj) you did not deny your faith in me even (kai | καί | adverb) in the days of Antipas my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city where Satan lives. |
Revelation 2:14 | But I have several things against you, because you have among you those who follow the teaching of Balaam, the one who instructed Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel so they would eat food sacrificed to idols and (kai | καί | conj) commit sexual immorality. |
Revelation 2:15 | So also (kai | καί | adverb) do you have those who follow the teaching of the Nicolaitans. |
Revelation 2:16 | Therefore repent! Otherwise, I will come to you without delay and (kai | καί | conj) will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. |
Revelation 2:17 | He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna. And (kai | καί | conj) I will give him a white stone, and (kai | καί | conj) on that stone will be written a new name which no one can understand except the one who receives it. |
Revelation 2:18 | “To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: The Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire and (kai | καί | conj) whose feet are like burnished bronze, has this to say: |
Revelation 2:19 | I know your works, your love and (kai | καί | conj) faith and (kai | καί | conj) service and (kai | καί | conj) steadfast endurance, and (kai | καί | conj) that your recent works are greater than the first. |
Revelation 2:20 | But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and (kai | καί | conj) is teaching and (kai | καί | conj) seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and (kai | καί | conj) to eat food sacrificed to idols. |
Revelation 2:21 | I have given her time to repent, but (kai | καί | conj) she is unwilling to repent of her sexual immorality. |
Revelation 2:22 | Beware, I will throw her onto a bed of suffering, and (kai | καί | conj) those who commit adultery with her into great affliction, unless they repent of her ways. |