Ἰησοῦς | Free Online Greek Dictionary | billmounce.com
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Forms of the word
Ἰησοῦς, -ου, ὁ
Greek transliteration: 
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Morphology of Biblical Greek Tag: 
Jesus, Joshua, Yahweh saves
a Savior, Jesus, Mt. 1:21, 25; 2:1, et al. freq.; Joshua, Acts 7:45; Heb. 4:8; Jesus, a Jewish Christian, Col. 4:11

Greek-English Concordance for Ἰησοῦς

Matthew 1:1 The record of the origin of Jesus (Iēsou | Ἰησοῦ | gen sg masc) Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.
Matthew 1:16 Jacob was the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, from whom Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) was born, who is called Christ.
Matthew 1:18 Now the birth of Jesus (Iēsou | Ἰησοῦ | gen sg masc) Christ took place in this way: When his mother Mary was pledged in marriage to Joseph, before they had come together, she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 1:21 And she will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus (Iēsoun | Ἰησοῦν | acc sg masc), for he will save his people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:25 but he had no marital relations with her until she had given birth to a son; and he named him Jesus (Iēsoun | Ἰησοῦν | acc sg masc).
Matthew 2:1 After Jesus (Iēsou | Ἰησοῦ | gen sg masc) was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem,
Matthew 3:13 Then Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) came from Galilee to John at the Jordan river to be baptized by him.
Matthew 3:15 But Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) answered him, “Let it be so now; for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he allowed him.
Matthew 3:16 And when Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) was baptized, just as he was coming up from the water, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him.
Matthew 4:1 Then Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
Matthew 4:7 Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) said to him, “It also stands written: ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’”
Matthew 4:10 Then Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it stands written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God and serve him alone.’”
Matthew 4:17 From then on Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) began to proclaim, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
Matthew 7:28 Now when Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) had finished these words, the crowds were amazed at his teaching,
Matthew 8:4 Then Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) said to him, “See that you tell no one; but go, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.”
Matthew 8:10 When Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) heard this, he was amazed and said to those who were following, “I tell you the truth, I have not found faith like this in anyone in Israel.
Matthew 8:13 And Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) said to the centurion, “Go; it will be done for you just as you believed.” And his servant was healed at that very hour.
Matthew 8:14 And when Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) entered Peter’s house, he saw his mother-in-law lying sick with a fever.
Matthew 8:18 Now when Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) saw a crowd around him, he gave orders to go to the other side of the lake.
Matthew 8:20 And Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) said to him, “Foxes have lairs and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”
Matthew 8:22 And Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) said to him, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead.”
Matthew 8:34 Then the entire town went out to meet Jesus (Iēsou | Ἰησοῦ | dat sg masc); and when they saw him, they begged him to leave their region.
Matthew 9:2 And some people brought to him a paralyzed man lying on a stretcher. When Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Take courage, my son; your sins are forgiven.”
Matthew 9:4 And Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc), knowing their thoughts, said, “Why are you harboring evil thoughts in your hearts?
Matthew 9:9 As Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, “Follow me.” So Matthew got up and followed him.
Matthew 9:10 And as Jesus sat at table in the house, many tax collectors and sinners came and were eating with Jesus (Iēsou | Ἰησοῦ | dat sg masc) and his disciples.
Matthew 9:15 And Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) said to them, “Certainly the wedding guests can’t mourn as long as the bridegroom is still with them? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away and then they will fast!
Matthew 9:19 So Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) got up and followed him, and so did his disciples.
Matthew 9:22 And when Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) turned and saw her, he said, “Take courage, my daughter; your faith has made you well.” And the woman was healed at once.
Matthew 9:23 When Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) arrived at the ruler’s house and saw the flute players and the noisy crowd,
Matthew 9:27 And as Jesus (Iēsou | Ἰησοῦ | dat sg masc) went on from there, two blind men followed him, calling out, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!”
Matthew 9:28 When he had gone into the house, the blind men came to him; and Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.”
Matthew 9:30 And their eyes were opened. Then Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) sternly charged them, “See that no one knows about this.”
Matthew 9:35 And Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) went throughout all their cities and towns, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every sickness.
Matthew 10:5 These twelve Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) sent out after instructing them as follows: “Do not go among the Gentiles and do not enter any Samaritan town;
Matthew 11:1 Now when Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) had finished giving instructions to his twelve disciples, he went on from there to teach and proclaim his message in their towns.
Matthew 11:4 And Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) answered them, saying, “Go and tell John what you hear and see:
Matthew 11:7 As they went away, Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) began to speak to the crowds about John: “What did you go out into the wilderness to look at? A reed shaken by the wind?
Matthew 11:25 At that time Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) declared, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and clever and revealed them to little children;
Matthew 12:1 At that time Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) went through the grainfields on the Sabbath; and his disciples were hungry, and they began to pluck heads of grain and eat.
Matthew 12:15 But Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc), aware of this, withdrew from there. And large crowds followed him, and he healed them all.
Matthew 13:1 That same day Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) went out of the house and was sitting by the sea.
Matthew 13:34 All these things Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) spoke to the crowds in parables, and without a parable he told them nothing;
Matthew 13:53 Now when Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) had finished these parables, he moved on from there.
Matthew 13:57 And they were deeply offended at him. But Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household.”
Matthew 14:1 About that time Herod the tetrarch heard the report about Jesus (Iēsou | Ἰησοῦ | gen sg masc).
Matthew 14:12 John’s disciples came and took the corpse and buried it; then they went and told Jesus (Iēsou | Ἰησοῦ | dat sg masc).
Matthew 14:13 Now when Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) heard about John, he left there by boat to a deserted place to be alone; but when the crowds heard about it, they followed him on foot from the towns.
Matthew 14:16 But Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) said to them, “They have no need to go away; you give them something to eat.”
Matthew 14:27 But right away Jesus (Iēsous | Ἰησοῦς | nom sg masc) spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I! Do not be afraid.”
