γνωρίζω | Free Online Greek Dictionary | billmounce.com
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Forms of the word
Greek transliteration: 
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Principal Parts: 
γνωρίσω, ἐγνώρισα, -, -, ἐγνωρίσθην
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Morphology of Biblical Greek Tag: 
to make known, tell, reveal
to make known, reveal, declare, Jn. 15:15; 17:26, et al.; to know, Phil. 1:22

Greek-English Concordance for γνωρίζω

Luke 2:15 When the angels departed from them into heaven, the shepherds began to speak to one another, “Let us go across to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known (egnōrisen | ἐγνώρισεν | aor act ind 3 sg) to us.”
Luke 2:17 And when they had seen him, they made it known (egnōrisan | ἐγνώρισαν | aor act ind 3 pl) concerning the message that had been spoken to them about this child.
John 15:15 No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, because all that I have heard from my Father I have made known (egnōrisa | ἐγνώρισα | aor act ind 1 sg) to you.
John 17:26 I have made known (egnōrisa | ἐγνώρισα | aor act ind 1 sg) to them your name, and I will continue to make it known (gnōrisō | γνωρίσω | fut act ind 1 sg), so that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them.”
Acts 2:28 You have made known (egnōrisas | ἐγνώρισας | aor act ind 2 sg) to me the paths of life; you will make me full of joy with your presence.’
Romans 9:22 What if God, willing to display his wrath and make (gnōrisai | γνωρίσαι | aor act inf ) known his power, has endured with great patience the objects of wrath prepared for destruction?
Romans 9:23 And what if he did so in order to make (gnōrisē | γνωρίσῃ | aor act subj 3 sg) known the riches of his glory to the objects of mercy, which he prepared beforehand for glory —
Romans 16:26 but now is manifested, and by the Scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the eternal God, has (gnōristhentos | γνωρισθέντος | aor pass ptcp gen sg neut) been (gnōristhentos | γνωρισθέντος | aor pass ptcp gen sg neut) made (gnōristhentos | γνωρισθέντος | aor pass ptcp gen sg neut) known (gnōristhentos | γνωρισθέντος | aor pass ptcp gen sg neut) to all the nations, leading to obedience of faith;
1 Corinthians 12:3 Therefore I want you to understand (gnōrizō | γνωρίζω | pres act ind 1 sg) that no one speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus is accursed!” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 15:1 Now I make known (gnōrizō | γνωρίζω | pres act ind 1 sg) to you, brothers, the gospel that I preached to you, which also you received, in which also you stand,
2 Corinthians 8:1 We want you to know (gnōrizomen | γνωρίζομεν | pres act ind 1 pl), brothers, about (gnōrizomen | γνωρίζομεν | pres act ind 1 pl) the grace of God shown among the churches of Macedonia,
Galatians 1:11 I want you to know (gnōrizō | γνωρίζω | pres act ind 1 sg), brothers, that the gospel preached by me is not of human origin.
Ephesians 1:9 He has made known (gnōrisas | γνωρίσας | aor act ptcp nom sg masc) to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ,
Ephesians 3:3 that by revelation the mystery was made known (egnōristhē | ἐγνωρίσθη | aor pass ind 3 sg) to me, as I have already written briefly.
Ephesians 3:5 which was (egnōristhē | ἐγνωρίσθη | aor pass ind 3 sg) not made (egnōristhē | ἐγνωρίσθη | aor pass ind 3 sg) known (egnōristhē | ἐγνωρίσθη | aor pass ind 3 sg) to the sons of men in other generations as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit,
Ephesians 3:10 in order that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known (gnōristhē | γνωρισθῇ | aor pass subj 3 sg) to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms,
Ephesians 6:19 and for me, that when I open my mouth the word will be given to me — that with boldness I will make known (gnōrisai | γνωρίσαι | aor act inf ) the mystery of the gospel,
Ephesians 6:21 Now in order that you also may know my circumstances, how I am doing, Tychicus, a dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will (gnōrisei | γνωρίσει | fut act ind 3 sg) tell (gnōrisei | γνωρίσει | fut act ind 3 sg) you everything.
Philippians 1:22 If I am to go on living in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me; yet I (gnōrizō | γνωρίζω | pres act ind 1 sg) do (gnōrizō | γνωρίζω | pres act ind 1 sg) not know (gnōrizō | γνωρίζω | pres act ind 1 sg) which I would prefer.
Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let (gnōrizesthō | γνωριζέσθω | pres pass imperative 3 sg) your requests be made known (gnōrizesthō | γνωριζέσθω | pres pass imperative 3 sg) to God.
Colossians 1:27 To them God chose God to make known (gnōrisai | γνωρίσαι | aor act inf ) how great among the Gentiles are the glorious riches of this mystery, this among the Gentiles which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Colossians 4:7 the news about me. all will tell (gnōrisei | γνωρίσει | fut act ind 3 sg) you Tychicus, a beloved brother, faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord, will (gnōrisei | γνωρίσει | fut act ind 3 sg) tell (gnōrisei | γνωρίσει | fut act ind 3 sg) you all the news about me.
Colossians 4:9 With him is Onesimus, the faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you; they (gnōrisousin | γνωρίσουσιν | fut act ind 3 pl) will (gnōrisousin | γνωρίσουσιν | fut act ind 3 pl) tell (gnōrisousin | γνωρίσουσιν | fut act ind 3 pl) you about (gnōrisousin | γνωρίσουσιν | fut act ind 3 pl) everything here.
2 Peter 1:16 For we did not follow cunningly crafted stories when we made known (egnōrisamen | ἐγνωρίσαμεν | aor act ind 1 pl) to you the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.