γεννάω | Free Online Greek Dictionary | billmounce.com
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Forms of the word
Greek transliteration: 
Simplified transliteration: 
Principal Parts: 
γεννήσω, ἐγέννησα, γεγέννηκα, γεγέννημαι, ἐγεννήθην
Strong's number: 
GK Number: 
Frequency in New Testament: 
Morphology of Biblical Greek Tag: 
to become the father of; to bear, give birth to; (pass.) to be conceived, born
to beget, generate, Mt. 1:2-16, et al.; of women, to bring forth, bear, give birth to, Lk. 1:13, 57, et al.; pass. to be born, produced, Mt. 2:1, 4, et al.; met. to produce, excite, give occasion to, effect, 2 Tim. 2:23; from the Hebrew, to constitute as son, to constitute as king, or as the representative or viceregent of God, Acts 13:33; Heb. 1:5; 5:5; by impl. to be a parent to any one; pass. to be a son or child to any one, Jn. 1:13; 1 Cor. 4:15, et al.

Greek-English Concordance for γεννάω

Matthew 1:2 Abraham was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Isaac, Isaac was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Jacob, and Jacob was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Judah and his brothers,
Matthew 1:3 Judah was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Perez and Zerah by Tamar, Perez was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Hezron, and Hezron was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Ram,
Matthew 1:4 Ram was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Amminadab, Amminadab was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Nahshon, and Nahshon was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Salmon,
Matthew 1:5 Salmon was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Boaz by Rahab, Boaz was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Obed by Ruth, and Obed was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Jesse,
Matthew 1:6 and Jesse was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of David the king.
Matthew 1:7 Solomon was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Rehoboam, Rehoboam was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Abijah, and Abijah was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Asaph,
Matthew 1:8 Asaph was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Jehoshaphat, Jehoshaphat was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Joram, and Joram was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Uzziah,
Matthew 1:9 Uzziah was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Jotham, Jotham was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Ahaz, and Ahaz was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Hezekiah,
Matthew 1:10 Hezekiah was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Manasseh, Manasseh was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Amos, and Amos was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Josiah,
Matthew 1:11 Josiah was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Jechoniah and his brothers at the time of the deportation to Babylon.
Matthew 1:12 After the deportation to Babylon, Jechoniah was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Shealtiel, and Shealtiel was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Zerubbabel,
Matthew 1:13 Zerubbabel was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Abiud, Abiud was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Eliakim, and Eliakim was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Azor,
Matthew 1:14 Azor was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Zadok, Zadok was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Achim, and Achim was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Eliud,
Matthew 1:15 Eliud was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Eleazar, Eleazar was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Matthan, and Matthan was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Jacob,
Matthew 1:16 Jacob was the father (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) of Joseph the husband of Mary, from whom Jesus was born (egennēthē | ἐγεννήθη | aor pass ind 3 sg), who is called Christ.
Matthew 1:20 But as he pondered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for that which has (gennēthen | γεννηθέν | aor pass ptcp nom sg neut) been (gennēthen | γεννηθέν | aor pass ptcp nom sg neut) conceived (gennēthen | γεννηθέν | aor pass ptcp nom sg neut) in her is by the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 2:1 After (gennēthentos | γεννηθέντος | aor pass ptcp gen sg masc) Jesus was born (gennēthentos | γεννηθέντος | aor pass ptcp gen sg masc) in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem,
Matthew 2:4 and gathering all the ruling priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born (gennatai | γεννᾶται | pres pass ind 3 sg).
Matthew 19:12 For there are eunuchs who have (egennēthēsan | ἐγεννήθησαν | aor pass ind 3 pl) been (egennēthēsan | ἐγεννήθησαν | aor pass ind 3 pl) that way from their mother’s womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who is able to accept this should accept it.”
Matthew 26:24 The Son of Man will depart as it is written of him, but woe to that one by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man had (egennēthē | ἐγεννήθη | aor pass ind 3 sg) he (egennēthē | ἐγεννήθη | aor pass ind 3 sg) not been born.” (egennēthē | ἐγεννήθη | aor pass ind 3 sg)
Mark 14:21 For the Son of Man is going as it is written of him; but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed — better for him if that man had (egennēthē | ἐγεννήθη | aor pass ind 3 sg) not been born.” (egennēthē | ἐγεννήθη | aor pass ind 3 sg)
Luke 1:13 But the angel said to him: “Do not fear, Zechariah, because your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear (gennēsei | γεννήσει | fut act ind 3 sg) you a son, and you will call his name John.
Luke 1:35 And the angel answered, saying to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you: therefore the child (gennōmenon | γεννώμενον | pres pass ptcp nom sg neut) to be born will be holy; he will be called the Son of God.
Luke 1:57 The time arrived for Elizabeth to give birth, and she bore (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) a son.
Luke 23:29 For the days are surely coming when they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never gave birth (egennēsan | ἐγέννησαν | aor act ind 3 pl) and the breasts that never nursed!’
John 1:13 who were (egennēthēsan | ἐγεννήθησαν | aor pass ind 3 pl) born (egennēthēsan | ἐγεννήθησαν | aor pass ind 3 pl), not from human stock or from a physical impulse or by a husband’s decision, but by God.
John 3:3 Jesus answered him, saying, “I tell you the solemn truth, unless a person is born (gennēthē | γεννηθῇ | aor pass subj 3 sg) again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
John 3:4 Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born (gennēthēnai | γεννηθῆναι | aor pass inf ) when he is old? He cannot enter into his mother’s womb and be (gennēthēnai | γεννηθῆναι | aor pass inf ) born (gennēthēnai | γεννηθῆναι | aor pass inf ) a second time, can he?”
John 3:5 Jesus answered, “I tell you the solemn truth, unless one is born (gennēthē | γεννηθῇ | aor pass subj 3 sg) of water and Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
John 3:6 What is born (gegennēmenon | γεγεννημένον | perf pass ptcp nom sg neut) of the flesh is flesh, and what is born (gegennēmenon | γεγεννημένον | perf pass ptcp nom sg neut) of the Spirit is spirit.
John 3:7 Do not be astonished that I said to you, ‘You must be born (gennēthēnai | γεννηθῆναι | aor pass inf ) again.’
John 3:8 The wind blows wherever it chooses, and you hear its sound, but do not know where it is coming from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born (gegennēmenos | γεγεννημένος | perf pass ptcp nom sg masc) of the Spirit.”
John 8:41 You are doing the deeds of your father.” They said to him, “We have (gegennēmetha | γεγεννήμεθα | perf pass ind 1 pl) not been (gegennēmetha | γεγεννήμεθα | perf pass ind 1 pl) born (gegennēmetha | γεγεννήμεθα | perf pass ind 1 pl) as a result of fornication; we have only one father, God himself.”
John 9:2 And his disciples questioned him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he (gennēthē | γεννηθῇ | aor pass subj 3 sg) was (gennēthē | γεννηθῇ | aor pass subj 3 sg) born (gennēthē | γεννηθῇ | aor pass subj 3 sg) blind?”
John 9:19 and asked them, saying, “Is this your son, who you say was (egennēthē | ἐγεννήθη | aor pass ind 3 sg) born (egennēthē | ἐγεννήθη | aor pass ind 3 sg) blind? How then does he now see?”
John 9:20 His parents answered, saying, “We know that this is our son and that he (egennēthē | ἐγεννήθη | aor pass ind 3 sg) was (egennēthē | ἐγεννήθη | aor pass ind 3 sg) born (egennēthē | ἐγεννήθη | aor pass ind 3 sg) blind;
John 9:32 Not since time began has it been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a man born (gegennēmenou | γεγεννημένου | perf pass ptcp gen sg masc) blind.
John 9:34 They replied to him, saying, “You were (egennēthēs | ἐγεννήθης | aor pass ind 2 sg) born (egennēthēs | ἐγεννήθης | aor pass ind 2 sg) completely in sin, and would you lecture us?” So they threw him out.
John 16:21 When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come; but when the baby is born (gennēsē | γεννήσῃ | aor act subj 3 sg), she no longer remembers the anguish, because of the joy that a child has been born (egennēthē | ἐγεννήθη | aor pass ind 3 sg) into the world.
John 18:37 Therefore Pilate said to him, “So you are a king, then?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king! The reason for which I was born (gegennēmai | γεγέννημαι | perf pass ind 1 sg) and have come into the world, is that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.”
Acts 2:8 And how do we hear, each of us in his own language to which he was born (egennēthēmen | ἐγεννήθημεν | aor pass ind 1 pl)?
Acts 7:8 And he gave him a covenant of circumcision; and so Abraham became (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) the father of Isaac and circumcised him on the eighth day; and Isaac became the father of Jacob, and Jacob of the twelve patriarchs.
Acts 7:20 At which time Moses was born (egennēthē | ἐγεννήθη | aor pass ind 3 sg), and he was beautiful before God. He was brought up for three months in his father’s house;
Acts 7:29 At this remark, Moses fled and became an exile in the land of Midian, where he had (egennēsen | ἐγέννησεν | aor act ind 3 sg) two sons.
Acts 13:33 that God has fulfilled this for us, their children, by raising Jesus; as also in the second Psalm it is written, ‘You are my Son; today I have begotten (gegennēka | γεγέννηκα | perf act ind 1 sg) you.’
Acts 22:3 “I am a Jewish man, born (gegennēmenos | γεγεννημένος | perf pass ptcp nom sg masc) in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, educated according to the strictness of the ancestral law, being zealous for God just as you all are today.
Acts 22:28 The commanding officer answered, “I obtained this citizenship with a large sum of money.” Paul answered, “But I was (gegennēmai | γεγέννημαι | perf pass ind 1 sg) even born (gegennēmai | γεγέννημαι | perf pass ind 1 sg) one.”
Romans 9:11 even before they were born (gennēthentōn | γεννηθέντων | aor pass ptcp gen pl masc) or had done anything either good or bad so that God’s purpose according to election might stand,
1 Corinthians 4:15 For though you have innumerable guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, because I became (egennēsa | ἐγέννησα | aor act ind 1 sg) your father (egennēsa | ἐγέννησα | aor act ind 1 sg) in Christ Jesus through the gospel.
Galatians 4:23 The son by the slave woman was (gegennētai | γεγέννηται | perf pass ind 3 sg) born (gegennētai | γεγέννηται | perf pass ind 3 sg) according to the flesh, but the son by the free woman was born as the result of promise.
