ἐξουσία | Free Online Greek Dictionary | billmounce.com
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Forms of the word
ἐξουσία, -ας, ἡ
Greek transliteration: 
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Morphology of Biblical Greek Tag: 
authority, power, the right to control or govern; dominion, the area or sphere of jurisdiction; a ruler, human or supernatural
power, ability, faculty, Mt. 9:8; 10:1; efficiency, energy, Lk. 4:32; liberty, licence, Jn. 10:18; Acts 5:4; authority, rule, dominion, jurisdiction, Mt. 8:9; 28:18; meton. pl. authorities, potentates, powers, Lk. 12:11; 1 Cor. 15:24; Eph. 1:21; right, authority, full power, Mt. 9:6; 21:23; privilege, prerogative, Jn. 1:12; perhaps, a veil, 1 Cor. 11:10

Greek-English Concordance for ἐξουσία

Matthew 7:29 for he was teaching them as one who had authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem), and not as their scribes.
Matthew 8:9 For I myself am a man under authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem), with soldiers under me. I say to this one, ‘Go!’ and he goes, and to another, ‘Come!’ and he comes, and to my servant, ‘Do this!’ and he does it.”
Matthew 9:6 But so you may know that the Son of Man has authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) on the earth to forgive sins” — he then said to the paralytic, “Get up, pick up your stretcher, and go to your home.”
Matthew 9:8 When the crowds saw it, they were struck with awe and glorified God who had given such authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) to men.
Matthew 10:1 Jesus gathered his twelve disciples and gave them authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) over unclean spirits so that they could drive them out and heal every kind of disease and sickness.
Matthew 21:23 And when he had entered the temple, the ruling priests and the elders of the people approached him while he was teaching and said, “By what authority (exousia | ἐξουσίᾳ | dat sg fem) are you doing these things, and who gave you this authority?” (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem)
Matthew 21:24 Jesus answered them, saying, “I also will ask you one question, and if you give me an answer, then I will tell you by what authority (exousia | ἐξουσίᾳ | dat sg fem) I do these things.
Matthew 21:27 So they answered Jesus, saying, “We do not know.” And he said to them, “Neither will I tell you by what authority (exousia | ἐξουσίᾳ | dat sg fem) I do these things.
Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority (exousia | ἐξουσία | nom sg fem) in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Mark 1:22 And they were astonished at his teaching, his for he was for teaching them as one having authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem), and not as their scribes.
Mark 1:27 All the people were amazed, so that they asked among themselves, saying, “What is this? A new teaching new with authority! (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) He even gives orders to unclean spirits unclean He gives orders and they obey him.”
Mark 2:10 But so that you may know that authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) has the Son of Man has authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) on the earth to forgive sins” — he said to the paralytic,
Mark 3:15 and have authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) to drive out demons.
Mark 6:7 And he called to himself the twelve and began them to send them out two by two, and gave them authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) over the unclean spirits. unclean
Mark 11:28 and were asking him, “By what authority (exousia | ἐξουσίᾳ | dat sg fem) are you doing these things?” and, “Who gave you this authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) to do these things?”
Mark 11:29 But Jesus said to them, “I will ask you one thing; answer me, and I will tell you by what authority (exousia | ἐξουσίᾳ | dat sg fem) I do these things.
Mark 11:33 So in answer to Jesus, they said, “We do not know.” And Jesus said to them, “Neither will I tell you by what authority (exousia | ἐξουσίᾳ | dat sg fem) I am doing these things.”
Mark 13:34 It is like a man going on a journey. He left his home and gave authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) to his servants, to each one his work, and he ordered the doorkeeper to stay alert.
Luke 4:6 The devil said to him, “To you I will give all this authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) and their glory, for to me it has been handed over, and to whomever I desire, I give it.
Luke 4:32 and they were astonished at his teaching, because his message was with authority (exousia | ἐξουσίᾳ | dat sg fem).
Luke 4:36 Astonishment came over them all, and they said to one another, “What is this teaching? For with authority (exousia | ἐξουσίᾳ | dat sg fem) and power he commands the unclean spirits and they come out!”
Luke 5:24 But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) on earth to forgive sins” — he said to the paralyzed man, “I say to you, get up, and when you have picked up your stretcher, go home.”
Luke 7:8 For I too am a man set under authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem), having soldiers under me: and I say to this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”
Luke 9:1 And he called together the twelve and gave them power and authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) over all demons, and to cure diseases.
Luke 10:19 I have given you authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) to tread on serpents and scorpions, and authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) over all the power of the enemy; nothing may hurt you at all.
Luke 12:5 I will show you whom you should fear: Fear the one (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) who, after he kills, has authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear this one!
Luke 12:11 When they bring you before the synagogues, the rulers, and the authorities (exousias | ἐξουσίας | acc pl fem), do not worry: How or what words should you use in your defense? or, What should you say?
Luke 19:17 And he said to him, ‘Well done, good servant! Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, exercise authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) over ten cities.’
Luke 20:2 and spoke to him, saying, “Tell us by what authority (exousia | ἐξουσίᾳ | dat sg fem) you are doing these things; or who it is who gave you this authority?” (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem)
Luke 20:8 Then Jesus said to them, “Neither will I tell you by what authority (exousia | ἐξουσίᾳ | dat sg fem) I do these things.”
Luke 20:20 So they watched him closely and sent spies who pretended to be righteous so they could catch him in his word, and in this way deliver him to the jurisdiction and authority (exousia | ἐξουσίᾳ | dat sg fem) of the governor.
Luke 22:53 Day after day, when I was in the temple, you did not stretch out your hands against me. But this is your hour, and the hour for the power (exousia | ἐξουσία | nom sg fem) of darkness.
Luke 23:7 Learning that he was from Herod’s jurisdiction (exousias | ἐξουσίας | gen sg fem), he sent him off to Herod, who was also in Jerusalem during those days.
John 1:12 But as many as did accept him, to them he gave the right (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) to become children of God, to those who believe in his name,
John 5:27 and he has given him authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) to execute judgment because he is the Son of Man.
John 10:18 No one takes it away from me, but I lay it down of my own free will. I have the power (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) to lay it down, and I have the power (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) to take it back again. This command I received from my Father.”
John 17:2 since you have given him authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to those you have given to him.
John 19:10 So Pilate said to him, “Are you not going to talk to me? You know, do you not, that I have the authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) to release you and I have the authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) to crucify you?”
John 19:11 Jesus said, “You would have no authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) over me at all unless it had been given you from above. That is why the man who handed me over to you has a greater sin.”
Acts 1:7 But he said to them, “It is not for you to know the times or seasons that the Father has set by his own authority (exousia | ἐξουσίᾳ | dat sg fem).
Acts 5:4 While it remained unsold, did it not remain yours? And after it was sold, was it not under your control (exousia | ἐξουσίᾳ | dat sg fem)? Why is it that you have contrived this affair in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God!”
Acts 8:19 saying, “Give me also this power (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem), that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit.”
Acts 9:14 And here he has authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) from the chief priests to imprison all who call on your name.”
Acts 26:10 And I did so in Jerusalem; not only did I lock up in prison many of the saints, after receiving authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) from the chief priests, and when they were put to death I cast my vote against them.
Acts 26:12 “On one of these journeys I was going to Damascus with authority (exousias | ἐξουσίας | gen sg fem) and commission from the chief priests,
Acts 26:18 to open their eyes, that they turn from darkness to light, and from the power (exousias | ἐξουσίας | gen sg fem) of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’
Romans 9:21 Has the potter no right (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem) to make from the same lump of clay some pottery for a special occasion and other for common use?
Romans 13:1 Every person must be subject to the governing authorities (exousiais | ἐξουσίαις | dat pl fem) because there is no authority (exousia | ἐξουσία | nom sg fem) except by God’s appointment, and those that presently exist have been instituted by God.
Romans 13:2 Therefore whoever resists authority (exousia | ἐξουσίᾳ | dat sg fem) resists what God has decreed, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.
Romans 13:3 For rulers are not a source of fear for those who do good, but for those who do wrong. Would you have no fear of the one in authority (exousian | ἐξουσίαν | acc sg fem)? Then do what is right and you will receive his approval
