Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

FlashWorks 4.2


FlashWorks is a vocabulary drilling program. Each word is tagged for difficulty, type (noun, verb, etc.), chapter, and frequency in the Biblical text. You can then ask for any cross section you wish, such as "all verbs occurring more than 30 times in the New Testament that occur in chapters 16 through 24 in the text and which I have tagged with a difficulty rating of three through five" (five being the most difficult for you). FlashWorks remembers words as you get them right and/or wrong and can automatically set the difficulty rating. There are databases for Greek (Basics of Biblical Greek), Hebrew (Basics of Biblical Hebrew) and other languages.

Here is a tutorial to help you get started. The online help is quite extensive.

You can participate on the user forum as well.

Help us keep FlashWorks alive and well

FlashWorks costs us about $1,000 a year to develop. This pays for the software licenses (REALBasic, Valentina). Bill does the development for free. It would be great to donate a little something to cover Bill's costs.

Download FlashWorks

Download the OSX installer for Greek or Hebrew (OSX 10.4 or later; 12 megs). Download the file, double click on the dmg file, and then double click on the FlashWorks Installer to save the program to your hard disk.

Download the Windows Installer for Greek (XP SP2 or 3 or Vista) or Hebrew (Windows XP SP 2or later; 6 megs). Download the file, double click on the zip file to decompress it, and then double click on the FlashWorks Installer to save the program to your hard disk.

Each of the above installers comes with the appropriate database and font.

Where is the audio?

I had to remove the program's ability to say words; I forget why. It will be back in the next release, which should be done in a couple months (November).

New Features

  • FlashWorks is once again a standalone application
  • Newer database technology makes it compatible with newer operating systems
  • Requires a computer screen that is at least 600 x 800
  • Can set your own keyboard shortcuts
  • Requires the use of the installer
  • A greatly improved text import function so you can make your own databases
  • New help system
  • New search parameters make it easier to use FlashWorks in different situations other than with the Basics of Biblical Greek

Different language databases

The following links are for the appropriate database; they do not include the application FlashWorks.

French for Macintosh or Windows

German for Macintosh or Windows

Greek for Macintosh or Windows (requires TekniaGreek)

Hebrew for Macintosh or Windows (requires TekniaHebrew)

Spanish for Macintosh or Windows

The Greek is keyed to Bill Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek, and the Hebrew is keyed to Pratico's and Van Pelt's Basics of Biblical Hebrew. The other databases were done for us and we do not know the source of the words or definitions. If you create other databases and would like us to post them, then please contact us through our Contact page.

If you want one of these databases to open automatically when FlashWorks starts, then set it as the default database in the Saved Preferences window.

Import text files

Each of the databases listed above come with the actual database as well as the text file that was imported to form the database. If you want to create your own database, then you should check out the text files. If you chose to import them to create your own databases, then be sure to set the import options appropriately:


Import screen


Other programs

There are other flashcard programs out there that use BBG's database of words and meanings. You can read about them in the news forums: