Range of Meaning for λόγος (Mark 9:10) | billmounce.com
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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Range of Meaning for λόγος (Mark 9:10)

λόγος can refer to a "word," or a series of words (i.e., "statement"), or in a much larger sense to the matter to which the words refer. So what were the disciples not to talk about after Jesus' transfiguration?



I agree that translation should be "matter." I love that this word has such range of meaning and that John uses it to mean "Word" of God. Having to think about the range of meaning of "logos" in this verse helps me to remind myself that Jesus has just been revealed as the as the fulfilment of the of the law and prophets and as the Son of God! Those who witness the transfiguration are to keep this revelation of the Identity of Jesus as the logos of God to themselves until He is revealed to the world in His Resurrection. Happy Easter everyone! I'm just a beginner in Greek desiring to engage even though I know very little : )