Was Paul already saved or not? (Phil 1:19) | billmounce.com
Bill Mounce

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Thursday, April 6, 2023

Was Paul already saved or not? (Phil 1:19)

All words have a range of meanings, and σωτηρία can mean “salvation” or “deliverance.” I am not sure why the CSB chose “salvation” in this verse when the context is one of deliverance.



Dear Bill, I think you answer your own question: All words have a range of meanings, and the English word "salvation" can mean "conversion" or "deliverance." I do understand your point though. "Salvation" sounds more like "conversion" than "deliverance" to churched ears (at least of our stripe), even though to the dictionary it is defined first as "deliverance" and only later as "redemption."