Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

Greeting letter to the cohort

I am delighted you chose to be a part of this class on Biblical Greek. I understand that in virtual education clarity is key, so let me cover some of the basics.


  1. Please read the syllabus carefully for all the specifics, or see the list in the Orientation lecture in the class.
  2. The two textbooks you must have are my grammar and workbook, Basics of Biblical Greek: Textbook and Basics of Biblical Greek: Workbook.
  3. I use the term "cohort" to refer to the group of people with whom you will be studying. The cohort dashboard is here:  This is where you come for the class calendar, announcements, Meeting IDs for video conferences, etc.
  4. Please fill out your user dashboard. This is where you go when you sign into the class ( Part of what will help you learn Greek is knowing that you are part of a community, and the specifics on your dashboard will help. This information is private to the cohort, but if you are not comfortable sharing some information then you can omit it. But please, enter a real salutation, real first and last names, state, country, and a real picture. No pictures of your dog, child, grandfather, of what you looked like when you were in high school.
  5. We will use WebEx for our video conferences. Here is a basic tutorial.
  6. I will be having office hours before class begins. It will be a chance to say hello and especially to make sure your video conferencing is working. I will post office hours on the cohort dashboard under Announcements. "Office hours" means I will just be hanging out in a video conference, and you can come and go as you please. You don't have to be there when it starts, and you don't have to stay the entire time.
  7. Just to be clear: you will be using the videos and other helps in the online course to do your daily work. You can do these whenever you wish, and start as soon as you wish. But the video conferences are at set times, so please be sure to keep up with the overall pace of the class.
  8. We use Google+ for basic communication, and especially for asking questions about chapters and exercises. Here is a basic tutorial.
  9. The information about grading quizzes is here. Please read it carefully.
  10. Read through our Code of Conduct.


As far as communicating with me, I travel so much for that it is easy for emails to get buried in some electronic pile. Gogle+ is much better.
