Tests and Quizzes | billmounce.com
Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

Tests and Quizzes

Sending Tests and Quizzes to the TA

When done with a test or quiz, please scan and email to the TA (email listed on the Cohort page).

1. Grade your quiz using the key downloaded from the same page where you get the quiz. Indicate the number correct at the top of the first page. Do not grade the tests; the TA will do that.

2. Use PDF format. Be sure each quiz is one PDF file.

3. Please name the scanned file according to this pattern: Last name [space] First name [space] Test/Quiz [space] Test/Quiz number [name of class]. So my second test would be named "Mounce Bill Test 2 Greek 1". The quiz over chapter 10 would be "Mounce Bill Quiz 10 Greek 1".

4. You can also use your phone to create the pdf using free scanning apps such as CamScanner (Android and iOS) or Scanner Pro (iOS).


Tests will be available for download from the Cohort page a week before they are due. If you need them earlier, send an email to your teacher. Please destroy all tests at the end of the semester.


  1. Quizzes and their keys are available at the bottom of every lecture page in the online class.

  1. Each question has a specified number of points. Vocabulary is 1 point, parsing is 2, and grammar and translations are worth various points.

  2. Parsing is worth two points. If you get one part of the answer wrong, it is one off. If you get two or more parts of the answer wrong, it is only 2 off. You can't lose more than 2 points on a parsing question.

  3. Exercises are a little more difficult. I am not going to give a point every time you translate "the" correctly. Each exercise has a number at the end that tells you how many points you can get right. You be the judge as to how many points you take off.

  4. It is common for students even in traditional classes to not be sure if one of their answers is right or wrong. Perhaps the definition they gave for a Greek word is not exactly what is in the textbook. I always asked them — now that you can see the answer, what do you think? Did you know the answer or not? In other words, you be the judge.

  5. Mark how many points you get wrong, not right.

  6. When in doubt, put a big question mark to the right side of the exercise and the TA will make the determination.

  7. When you have graded the quiz, please scan it and email it to the TA (email listed on the Cohort page). Quizzes are due on the Saturday following the day we covered the chapter in class. So if chapter 5 is discussed on Tuesday the 10th, the quiz for chapter 5 is due by midnight, Saturday the 14th.

  8. The TA will record your grade in a spreadsheet, but unfortunately you will not have access to it. So please also record your own grades so you can see how you are doing.

  9. I have given dates for when the quizzes and tests should be done. That is a firm date for the tests. The date is more flexible for the quizzes. My main goal is to help everyone move along at somewhat the same pace so we can be discussing the same things together. If you fall behind, then it will be more difficult to receive help from your fellow students.