Class Orientation |
Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

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Class Orientation

Welcome to Greek class. Please read this page for all sorts of information. It includes all recommended books, resources, and free downloads for the entire class.

Watch the orientation lecture Bill gave while at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

You will need to install the TekniaGreek font in order to view the quizzes and overheads.

Track 2

Track 1 teaches the entire noun system and then the verbal system. Some teachers prefer to get into verbs more quickly, so Track 2 reorganizes some of the chapters to allow this to happen.

Free Stuff (4th edition)

All resources in this category use unicode (Times New Roman preferred) and do not require TekniaGreek.

Overheads for the Grammar ( Keynote | PowerPoint )

Overheads for the Workbook ( Keynote | PowerPoint )

Quizzes for each chapter (with keys)

Answers to all the exercises

Free stuff (3rd edition)

You will need to install the TekniaGreek font in order to view the quizzes and overheads.

You will probably want to learn how to type in Greek using unicode.

Answers to all the exercises

Keys to all the quizzes

More free stuff

FlashWorks (for vocabulary drilling)

Don't forget about our free Bingo and Greek songs.

For Teachers and Students