For an Informed Love of God
Biblical Greek with Bill Mounce
Have you ever wanted to learn biblical Greek but were afraid it was too hard? Have you wanted to learn the language of the New Testament but didn't want to study on your own? Now is the time to change all that.
Bill Mounce, author of the best-selling Basics of Biblical Greek, is teaching Greek online starting September 7. The two-semester class will cost $395 (plus books), and that includes the lectures on DVD or flash drive, and also online access. (If you have already purchased the DVD, flash drive, or online access, write to for a discount coupon.)
Video chats with Bill at overviews. BBG is broken into seven sections, each one ending in a review. We will cover these together as a class using video conferencing.
Vibrant student community. The class will use online forums for student interaction. Bill has been developing some special technology to make this more than just a text forum.
Personal exam grading. In order to keep the class personal, Bill is accepting only the first 25 students who enroll. Click here to review the course syllabus. Students will grade their own quizzes, but Bill and his TA will grade the exams and provide personal feedback.
Graduate academic credit available. Once you pass the course, you will be able to apply for college or seminary credit. It will only cost you a matriculation fee and a small administrative fee.
Now is the time to meet your goals and learn New Testament Greek. You can do this.
Q and A
What else will I need? Please read the syllabus carefully for all the specifics, or see the list in the Orientation lecture in the class. At a minimum, you will need two books, Basics of Biblical Greek: Textbook and Basics of Biblical Greek: Workbook
When are the video sessions? The schedule for the video sessions are listed in the syllabus. Please read the syllabus carefully.
Are the video sessions recorded? Video sessions are recorded so you can watch them at your convenience.
When can I start? The class does not technically begin until September 7, but you can start as soon as you sign up. At signup, you were given access to the online class with the videos.
Can I go at a slower pace? Not this year. For the sake of the student community and our interaction, it is important that we all go at the same basic pace. This is the pace I used in teaching Greek in college, not graduate school. Harder chapters are generally given one week to complete. Easier chapters are generally combined into two per week.
How do I watch the lecture videos? You watch the lectures on your own time and your own schedule, using either the online class or the DVD/flash drives. But it is important to keep basic pace with the class; otherwise, the video reviews wouldn't be helpful.
How do I get the quizzes and tests? Quizzes can be downloaded from the bottom of each lesson page in the online class. The answers to the quizzes are available as a single download from the first lesson in the class. Tests are available for download from the Cohort page a week before they are due.
How are the quizzes and tests graded? You are responsible for grading your own quizzes. Instructions are here. You will scan your completed tests and email them to the TA (address on the Cohort page); he will do the grading. The TA also records all grades; be sure you keep a record for yourself as well.
Will my tuition be refunded if I drop the class? Because we are admitting a limited number of students, once the class is closed there are no refunds.
What is expected of you
In order to keep the cost of the class down, you will not have constant, direct access to Bill, and you are expected to use the web-based tools provided through
You must use the website. Almost every question you are going to have is already answered there. Please do not ask for help without first making use of the online helps.
We will use Google Plus for forum discussions.
Agree to the code of conduct posted on the class orientation lesson.
Bill is using a lot of new and exciting internet technologies, but that might require you to be a little flexible as he finetunes his methodology.
What kind of help can you expect?

The summary lecture helps you see the main points of the chapter. Do not skip this step; it will help keep you from drowning in the morass of details. These summary lectures are available online (, or can be downloaded for your phone (from Fill out your Study Guide as you listen, and then memorize it.
Read the chapter in the textbook.
Listen to the full video lecture (included in your tuition payment). This is critical. It should function as a review, and I try not to just repeat the textbook but say things in a little different way. Confirm your Study Guide as you listen.
Memorize your vocabulary using the online helps (including hearing the words pronounced). Practice your vocabulary with the online version of FlashWorks or the downloaded app.
Do your exercises. There are many helps on the website; I don't want you to get stuck at 2 a.m., get discouraged, and quit. I take quitting very personally as my failure to help you through the material. So there are many helps on line, from colored coded answers to recordings of my discussion of each exercise.
While Bill is not necessarily available to answer questions about individual exercises, he will from time to time look through the discussion forums on Google Plus and may be able to help.
Take the quiz and then grade it using the key. Enter your score in your online grade book. By taking it after the exercises, it becomes a measure of what you do know (and not what you do not know).
You will also be able to communicate with fellow students, the TA, and at times Bill. Use the forums to ask questions and help one another.
Bill will work through the section reviews with you via video conference, the exam reviews, and the final reading of 2 John.