"Gospel of Glory," or "Glorious Gospel" (1 Tim 1:11) |
"With" or "In" the Spirit (Mt 3:11) |
1 Peter 4:6 and Those Pesky Prepositions |
3 John 4 and Walking in (the) Truth |
A good work in (or among) you (Philippians 1:6) |
A little text criticism (Mark 1:41) |
A New Game: Supply the Missing Word |
A No Win Scenario (Acts 2:11) |
A Strange Article and Interesting Variants (Rom 13:9) |
A Subject and its Verb can be “Miles” Apart (Romans 8:3) |
A Translation Conundrum (1 Tim 2:9) |
Adverbial Participles and Finite Verbs |
Adverbial Participles: What's a Translator to do? (Eph 2:1) |
Aktionsart and Ask, Seek, Knock (Matt 7:7-8) |
Am I “Lord” of my Wife? (1 Peter 3:6) |
Ambiguous and Meaningless (John 3:21) |
An almost impossible translation conundrum (2 Tim 2:4) |
An example of different kinds of translations (1 Cor 3:6) |
An other look at using “he” (1 Cor 9:10) |
An Untranslatable Word: γύναι |
Anacoluthon and Using Greek Tools (Eph 2:1) |
And the answer is ... (John 3:16) |
Anger (Part 2) |
Answer the fool, or not? (Proverbs 26:4–5) |
Antecedents and Faith (Eph 2:8-9) |
Aorist, Present, and Sequence (John 15:6) |
Aorists and Imperfects (John 3:22) |
Apposition and Word Order (Acts 3:20) |
Are All Translations Wrong? (Mark 1:16) |
Are Ants People? (Proverbs 30:26) |
Are branches burned, or will they be burned? (Matt 3:10) |
Are Elder’s Children “Believers” or “Faithful”? (Titus 1:6) |
Are Gossips in Heaven? (James 1:26-27) |
Are Metaphors Inspired? |
Are the Gospels Truly Anonymous? |
Are the Greek Texts of the Bible Corrupt? An Example (1 John 1:4) |
Are there any Random Translations? (Rom 8:34) |
Are There Two Different Gospels? (Gal 2:7) |
Are they "Jews" or "Christian Jews"? (Acts 11:2) |
Are translations really based on the Greek and Hebrew? |
Are translators adding to God's Word when they say "Brother and Sister." |
Are We God’s Poem (Eph 2:10)? |
Are You "Saved," or Are You "Being Saved” (1 Cor 15:2) |
Are You Absolutely Confident That God Will Win? (Rev 10:7) |
Are you being saved while you are persevering? (1 Cor 15:2) |
Are you Christian "Nice"? |
Are you thankful for someone’s faithfulness under trial? (2 Tim 1:3–5) |
As a Father Disciplines his Son (Heb 12:5) |
As a Father Disciplines his Son (Heb 12:5) |
At the Name of Jesus (Phil 2:10) |