Basics of Biblical Greek Flashcards |
Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

Basics of Biblical Greek Flashcards

Author: Dr. William D. Mounce

Page count: 1,000
List Price: $21.99
Size: 4 x 1
ISBN: 9780310259879
Publisher: Zondervan


You can purchase Basics of Biblical Greek Vocabulary Cards online from or from your local bookseller.


Basics of Biblical Greek Vocabulary Cards are keyed to Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar, have frequency numbers included, and contain principle parts of verbs. These cards are a convenient way for students to quiz themselves on new Greek words being learned.


Want to find a card number for a particular Greek word? These two downloads list all the words in the flash card set with their sequence number (top rightrnumber on the back of the cards).

Morphology Tags

Each vocabulary card has the morphological value for that word. The numbering system is derived from the Morphology of Biblical Greek. Here is a summary of the tags.