For an Informed Love of God
Bill Mounce
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Vocabulary form:
I let go, leave, permit, forgive
(h[fie (3rd sg)), ajfhvsw, ajfh:ka, -, ajfevwmai, ajfevqhn
Aphesis is the gradual loss of an initial unaccented vowel, such as in the English esquire to squire (cf. MBG, #7.10).
The root of this verb is *se. Like i{sthmi, the reduplicated sigma dropped off and was replaced with a rough breathing. The initial sigma was also dropped because it was intervocalic. se
Biblical Concordance
Mark 4:36 | So after leaving (aphentes | ἀφέντες | aor act ptcp nom pl masc) the crowd, they took him with them, just as he was, in the boat. And other boats were with him. |
Mark 5:19 | But he (aphēken | ἀφῆκεν | aor act ind 3 sg) did (aphēken | ἀφῆκεν | aor act ind 3 sg) not permit (aphēken | ἀφῆκεν | aor act ind 3 sg) him. Instead, he said to him, “Go to your home, your to your own people, and tell them how much the Lord has done for you has done and that he had mercy on you.” |
Mark 5:37 | And he (aphēken | ἀφῆκεν | aor act ind 3 sg) did (aphēken | ἀφῆκεν | aor act ind 3 sg) not permit (aphēken | ἀφῆκεν | aor act ind 3 sg) anyone to follow him, except Peter, James, and John the brother of James. |
Mark 7:8 | Neglecting (aphentes | ἀφέντες | aor act ptcp nom pl masc) the command of God, you maintain the tradition of men.” |
Mark 7:12 | then you (aphiete | ἀφίετε | pres act ind 2 pl) no longer allow (aphiete | ἀφίετε | pres act ind 2 pl) him to do anything for his father or mother. |
Mark 7:27 | He said to her, “Let (aphes | ἄφες | aor act imperative 2 sg) the children first be fed, for it is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” |
Mark 8:13 | Then he left (apheis | ἀφείς | aor act ptcp nom sg masc) them, got into the boat again, and crossed to the other side. |
Mark 10:14 | But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let (aphete | ἄφετε | aor act imperative 2 pl) the children come to me. Do not prevent them, for of such is the kingdom of God. |
Mark 10:28 | Peter started to speak to him, “Well, we have left (aphēkamen | ἀφήκαμεν | aor act ind 1 pl) everything and have followed you.” |
Mark 10:29 | Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, there is no one who has left (aphēken | ἀφῆκεν | aor act ind 3 sg) home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the gospel |
Mark 11:6 | And they spoke to them just as Jesus had said, and they gave (aphēkan | ἀφῆκαν | aor act ind 3 pl) them permission (aphēkan | ἀφῆκαν | aor act ind 3 pl). |
Mark 11:16 | and he (ēphien | ἤφιεν | imperf act ind 3 sg) would (ēphien | ἤφιεν | imperf act ind 3 sg) not allow (ēphien | ἤφιεν | imperf act ind 3 sg) anyone to carry merchandise through the temple. |
Mark 11:25 | And whenever you stand praying, forgive (aphiete | ἀφίετε | pres act imperative 2 pl) if you have something against someone, so that your Father in heaven may also forgive (aphē | ἀφῇ | aor act subj 3 sg) you your transgressions.” |
Mark 12:12 | And they were seeking to arrest him, but feared the people, for they knew that he had spoken the parable against them. So they left (aphentes | ἀφέντες | aor act ptcp nom pl masc) him and went away. |
Mark 12:19 | “Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if someone’s brother should die and leave behind a wife, but not leave (aphē | ἀφῇ | aor act subj 3 sg) behind a child, the brother should take the widow and raise up offspring for his brother. |
Mark 12:20 | There were seven brothers; the first took a wife, and when he died he (aphēken | ἀφῆκεν | aor act ind 3 sg) left (aphēken | ἀφῆκεν | aor act ind 3 sg) no offspring. |
Mark 12:22 | And the seven did (aphēkan | ἀφῆκαν | aor act ind 3 pl) not leave (aphēkan | ἀφῆκαν | aor act ind 3 pl) offspring. Last of all the woman also died. |
Mark 13:2 | And Jesus said to him, “Do you see these great buildings? Not a single stone will be left (aphethē | ἀφεθῇ | aor pass subj 3 sg) here resting (aphethē | ἀφεθῇ | aor pass subj 3 sg) on another that will not be thrown down.” |
Mark 13:34 | It is like a man going on a journey. He left (apheis | ἀφείς | aor act ptcp nom sg masc) his home and gave authority to his servants, to each one his work, and he ordered the doorkeeper to stay alert. |
Mark 14:6 | But Jesus said, “Leave (aphete | ἄφετε | aor act imperative 2 pl) her alone (aphete | ἄφετε | aor act imperative 2 pl). Why are you causing her trouble? She has done a beautiful thing to me. |
Mark 14:50 | And leaving (aphentes | ἀφέντες | aor act ptcp nom pl masc) him, they all fled. |
Mark 15:36 | Then someone ran, filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on a staff, and gave it to him to drink, saying, “Permit (aphete | ἄφετε | aor act imperative 2 pl) me; let us see if Elijah will come to take him down.” |
Mark 15:37 | And Jesus, uttering (apheis | ἀφείς | aor act ptcp nom sg masc) a loud cry, breathed his last. |
Luke 4:39 | Standing over her he rebuked the fever, and it left (aphēken | ἀφῆκεν | aor act ind 3 sg) her. Immediately she got up and began to wait on them. |
Luke 5:11 | Then they brought the boats to shore, left (aphentes | ἀφέντες | aor act ptcp nom pl masc) everything, and followed him. |
Luke 5:20 | And when he saw their faith, he said, “Man, your sins are forgiven (apheōntai | ἀφέωνται | perf pass ind 3 pl) you.” |
Luke 5:21 | And the scribes and the Pharisees began to ponder, saying, “Who is this who speaks blasphemies? Who is able to (apheinai | ἀφεῖναι | aor act inf ) forgive (apheinai | ἀφεῖναι | aor act inf ) sins except God alone?” |
Luke 5:23 | Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins have been forgiven (apheōntai | ἀφέωνται | perf pass ind 3 pl) you,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? |
Luke 5:24 | But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive (aphienai | ἀφιέναι | pres act inf ) sins” — he said to the paralyzed man, “I say to you, get up, and when you have picked up your stretcher, go home.” |
Luke 6:42 | How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let (aphes | ἄφες | aor act imperative 2 sg) me take out the speck that is in your eye,’ when you yourself don’t see the log that is in your own eye? You hypocrite! First take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother’s eye. |
Luke 7:47 | Therefore I can tell you, “Her sins, which were many, have been forgiven (apheōntai | ἀφέωνται | perf pass ind 3 pl), for she loved much. But the one to whom little is forgiven (aphietai | ἀφίεται | pres pass ind 3 sg) loves little.’” |
Luke 7:48 | He said to her, “Your sins have been forgiven.” (apheōntai | ἀφέωνται | perf pass ind 3 pl) |
Luke 7:49 | Then those reclining at table with him began to say to themselves, “Who is this, who even forgives (aphiēsin | ἀφίησιν | pres act ind 3 sg) sins?” |
Luke 8:51 | When he went into the house he (aphēken | ἀφῆκεν | aor act ind 3 sg) did (aphēken | ἀφῆκεν | aor act ind 3 sg) not allow (aphēken | ἀφῆκεν | aor act ind 3 sg) anyone to go in with him except Peter and John and James, and the father of the child and her mother. |
Luke 9:60 | Jesus said to him, “Leave (aphes | ἄφες | aor act imperative 2 sg) the dead to bury their own dead. But you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” |
Luke 10:30 | Jesus continued, saying, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers. After stripping him of his clothes and beating him, they went off, leaving (aphentes | ἀφέντες | aor act ptcp nom pl masc) him half dead. |
Luke 11:4 | and forgive (aphes | ἄφες | aor act imperative 2 sg) us our sins, for we (aphiomen | ἀφίομεν | pres act ind 1 pl) ourselves forgive (aphiomen | ἀφίομεν | pres act ind 1 pl) everyone indebted to us. And do not bring us into a time of trial.’” |
Luke 12:10 | And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven (aphethēsetai | ἀφεθήσεται | fut pass ind 3 sg), but the one who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will (aphethēsetai | ἀφεθήσεται | fut pass ind 3 sg) not be forgiven (aphethēsetai | ἀφεθήσεται | fut pass ind 3 sg). |
Luke 12:39 | “Know this: that if the master of the house had known at what hour the thief would come, he (aphēken | ἀφῆκεν | aor act ind 3 sg) would not have allowed (aphēken | ἀφῆκεν | aor act ind 3 sg) his house be broken into. |
Luke 13:8 | And he answered, saying to him, ‘Sir, leave (aphes | ἄφες | aor act imperative 2 sg) it alone (aphes | ἄφες | aor act imperative 2 sg) this year also, until I dig around it and put on manure. |
Luke 13:35 | Behold, your house is left (aphietai | ἀφίεται | pres pass ind 3 sg) to you desolate. And I tell you, you will not see me until you say, ‘Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!’” |
Luke 17:3 | “Be on your guard! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive (aphes | ἄφες | aor act imperative 2 sg) him. |
Luke 17:4 | And if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times returns to you saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive (aphēseis | ἀφήσεις | fut act ind 2 sg) him.” |
Luke 17:34 | I tell you, on that night there will be two in one bed; one will be taken and the other left (aphethēsetai | ἀφεθήσεται | fut pass ind 3 sg) behind. |
Luke 17:35 | There will be two women grinding at the mill together; one will be taken and the other left (aphethēsetai | ἀφεθήσεται | fut pass ind 3 sg) behind.” |
Luke 18:16 | But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let (aphete | ἄφετε | aor act imperative 2 pl) the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. |
Luke 18:28 | Then Peter said, “Look, we have left (aphentes | ἀφέντες | aor act ptcp nom pl masc) what was ours and followed you.” |
Luke 18:29 | Then Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, there is no one who has left (aphēken | ἀφῆκεν | aor act ind 3 sg) home or wife or siblings or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God |
Luke 19:44 | And they will tear down both you and the children within you, and they (aphēsousin | ἀφήσουσιν | fut act ind 3 pl) will (aphēsousin | ἀφήσουσιν | fut act ind 3 pl) not leave (aphēsousin | ἀφήσουσιν | fut act ind 3 pl) stone upon stone in you, because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.” |
Luke 21:6 | “These things that you see — days will come in which there (aphethēsetai | ἀφεθήσεται | fut pass ind 3 sg) will (aphethēsetai | ἀφεθήσεται | fut pass ind 3 sg) not be left (aphethēsetai | ἀφεθήσεται | fut pass ind 3 sg) stone upon stone that will not be thrown down.” |