Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

Fourth Semester Greek Class

You've taken your first year of Greek, so where do you turn next? The commentaries are still too hard to understand, grammars are intimidating, and you really want to be able to sit down and just read the Greek Testament.

The role of second year Greek is to solve these challenges. I wrote A Graded Reader of Biblical Greek for my second and third year Greek classes at University, and it is the basis for this class.

If you want a taste of what class is like, watch the videos for lesson 1.

Enroll Now

In class you will

  • Read ten biblical passages (the second half of the Graded Reader).
  • Improve your Greek vocabulary.
  • Continue to learn intermediate Greek grammar.
  • Continue to develop the wonderful exegetical method I call "Phrasing," a skill you will use the rest of your life.


  • Start in January 18, 2017.
  • The class will cost $895 (plus books).
  • In order to keep the class personal, I am accepting only the first 15 students who enroll (minimum of ten students required).

What you can expect

  • We will meet every Wednesday at 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. (PST) using video technology where we will walk though the chapter together. If any of your fellow students are in the same physical location, I urge you to study together.

  • You will take a vocabulary test before each class session and grade it yourself (keys supplied).

  • We will use Google+ forums for student interaction.

  • Click here to review the course syllabus.

Enroll Now

Q and A

  1. Do I need to have taken third semester Greek? The second half of the Graded Reader contains more difficult Greek passages, and students have already learned words occurring 17 times of more in third semester. So it is more difficult to start with fourth semester, but if your Greek skills are good you should be able to do the work.

  2. What else will I need? Please read the syllabus carefully for all the specifics, or see the list in the Orientation lecture in the class. At a minimum, you will need A Graded Reader of Biblical Greek and a Greek-English dictionary.

  3. When are the video sessions? The schedule for the video sessions are listed in the syllabus.

  4. Are the video sessions recorded? Video sessions are recorded so you can watch them if you miss the actual class.

  5. When can I start? The class begins in January 18, 2017, but you can start studying as soon as you sign up in order to get ahead.

  6. Can I go at a slower pace? No. You can study whenever you wish during the week, but for the sake of the student community and our interaction, it is important that we all go at the same basic pace. This is the pace I used in teaching Greek in university, not graduate school.

  7. How do I get the quizzes and tests? Quizzes and keys can be downloaded from the bottom of each lesson page in the online class. Tests are available for download from the Cohort page a week before they are due.

  8. How are the quizzes and tests graded? You are responsible for grading your own quizzes. Instructions are here. You will scan your completed tests and email them to the TA (address on the Cohort page); he will do the grading. The TA also records all quiz and test grades; be sure you keep a record for yourself as well.

  9. Will my tuition be refunded if I drop the class? Because I am admitting a limited number of students, once the class is closed there are no refunds.

Email Support if you have questions