Bible Study Greek | Greek for the Rest of Us | Bill Mounce
Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

Bible Study Greek


ProfessorBible Study Greek  will teach you to study your Bible in ways deeper than you ever imagined, but without the pain of learning Greek the traditional way. You will be able to:

  • do Greek word studies
  • understand a Strong's Bible
  • use better dictionaries and commentaries
  • see the Greek behind the English translations
  • use reverse interlinears and even Greek-English interlinears

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“We found Dr. Mounce to be easy to follow; the length of each lesson was just right for a class of adult learners outside the seminary.  The lectures were easily supplemented by materials from the website…. The combination of video and short assignments was just right for a Sunday school class.  I will recommend this course to other churches in my denomination, and hope to take a group to the next level fairly soon. Blessings in Christ” — Rev. Joel Kavanaugh


In these video lessons, I work through every page of my textbook, Greek for the Rest of Us. It is like sitting with me in class.

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You will need these two books to learn about Greek and do Greek word studies.

Greek for the Rest of Us Textbook

If you’d love to learn Greek so you can study your Bible better, but you can’t spare two years for college or seminary courses, then Greek for the Rest of Us is for you. This revolutionary crash-course on “baby Greek” will acquaint you with the essentials of the language and deepen your understanding of God’s Word. You’ll gain a sound knowledge of basic Greek, and you’ll learn how to use tools that will add muscle to your Bible studies.

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Mounce's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words

For years, Vine's has been the standard word study tool for pastors and laypeople. This new dictionary is written by over 40 Bible scholars, edited by Bill Mounce and contains in-depth definitions. This dictionary is ideal for those with little or no knowledge of Greek or Hebrew but want greater insight into the meaning of biblical words to enhance their Bible study. This dictionary contains 14,000 entries, is keyed to several translations, both Greek and Hebrew words are found under each English entry, and uses both Strong's and G/K numbers. It also reveals connections and nuances not apparent in English translations.

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Greek for the Rest of Us Laminate Sheet (recommended)

This laminated sheet enables you to see critical material at a glance and serves you well as you review for tests, for comprehensive exams, and for later on in life.

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You will need to find a way to discover the Greek behind the English. One of these two books will work great. If you prefer to use software, check out our recommendations.

Interlinear for the Rest of Us

While other interlinear Bibles assume that you know Greek. Interlinear for the Rest of Us assumes that you don’t, or that you’ve forgotten much of what you once knew. Designed for busy pastors, Sunday school teachers, and anyone who wants a practical tool for studying the Scriptures, this interlinear makes reading easy by flip-flopping the usual order of appearance. It uses the English text as the main text rather than the Greek, so there is absolutely no confusion about the meaning of what you’re reading. Discover the Greek words behind the English translation. Conduct your own word studies using Greek word study books — without knowing Greek.

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The Zondervan Greek and English Interlinear New Testament (NIV/NASB)

This is a traditional interlinear where the text follows Greek word order. Underneath each Greek word is its English meaning, the form of the Greek explained (“parsing”), and the GK number (like Strongs) that will take you to Greek word studies. The English translation is a unique one done for this interlinear. The book also contains the NIV (2011) and NASB in parallel columns, and also a Greek/English Dictionary in the back.

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If you prefer to do your work electronically, I strongly recommend Accordance. If you want to be able to do the searching in the exercises for the Bible Study Greek class, you will need software.

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Free Online Class

This online class will walk you through each chapter of my textbook, Greek for the Rest of Us. It is free except for the actual video lessons.

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We have lots of other stuff to help you as well.

• Greek Word of the Day videos
• Private webinars
• Thursday translation blogs
• Vocabulary software