Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God


Basics of Biblical Greek Video Series

I teach comparative religions at DePauw University in Indiana. My area of specialization is Hinduism, and my primary research languages are Bengali and Sanskrit with a little bit of German and French thrown in for good measure.

As one who has taken many language courses over the years I have found your Biblical Greek course to be wonderfully put together... very well thought out. Your energy and enthusiasm come across in the lectures and provide a great deal of encouragement. So too, I like the way that you deal with the nouns before getting to the verbs in track one. I know that many language teachers do not like this sort of thing but I prefer this approach.

Anyway, thanks for a great class. I've bought the whole package: textbook, workbook, language cards, laminated study sheet. I've printed off the answer key from the website. Really, it's a wonderful self-study system. Again, I've studied languages before so it might be a little easier for me than some but I could imagine that pretty much anybody could learn the basics of Biblical Greek grammar through the use of the books and website alone. Thank you for having put forth the time and effort to make such a wonderful package available!


Basics of Biblical Greek: Grammar

I am currently a student at Liberty University in the M.Div. program. I will probably be taking my Greek classes next fall and in anticipation I ordered your BBG materials. My goal is to spend the summer getting a head start learning Greek, so that when the fall semester begins the Greek classes will be more of a review than a primer. I just wanted to thank you for the way you've put together your BBG material. Even though I am just starting to use that material, the way you have laid it out makes a lot of sense to me. In addition, I am especially glad that your curriculum is ministry oriented, since it will greatly assist me in my personal study as well as in my sermon and bible study preparations. Many times in ministry we don't get to see the fruits of our labors and I just wanted to let you know that the fruits of your labor, in putting together this curriculum, is benefiting me. Thank you. — Alan.