Greek word for I raise, take up, take away
Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God


Vocabulary form: 
I raise, take up, take away
ajrw:, h\ra, h\rka, h\rmai, h[rqhn
See the explanation in #20.24 #2b for the changes to the tense stem. ai[rw can take a direct object in the genitive.

Biblical Concordance

Matthew 4:6 and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it stands written: ‘He will command his angels concerning you,’ and, ‘on their hands they will hold (arousin | ἀροῦσιν | fut act ind 3 pl) you up (arousin | ἀροῦσιν | fut act ind 3 pl), lest you strike your foot against a stone.’”
Matthew 9:6 But so you may know that the Son of Man has authority on the earth to forgive sins” — he then said to the paralytic, “Get up, pick (aron | ἆρον | aor act imperative 2 sg) up your stretcher, and go to your home.”
Matthew 9:16 No one sews a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, because the patch will pull (airei | αἴρει | pres act ind 3 sg) away from the garment, and the tear will be worse.
Matthew 11:29 Take (arate | ἄρατε | aor act imperative 2 pl) my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 13:12 For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken (arthēsetai | ἀρθήσεται | fut pass ind 3 sg) away.
Matthew 14:12 John’s disciples came and took (ēran | ἦραν | aor act ind 3 pl) the corpse and buried it; then they went and told Jesus.
Matthew 14:20 And they all ate and were filled; and they picked (ēran | ἦραν | aor act ind 3 pl) up what remained of the broken pieces, twelve baskets full.
Matthew 15:37 And they all ate and were filled; and they (ēran | ἦραν | aor act ind 3 pl) picked (ēran | ἦραν | aor act ind 3 pl) up (ēran | ἦραν | aor act ind 3 pl) what was left over of the broken pieces, seven large baskets full.
Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone resolves to come after me, he must deny himself and take (aratō | ἀράτω | aor act imperative 3 sg) up his cross and follow me.
Matthew 17:27 But lest we offend them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take (aron | ἆρον | aor act imperative 2 sg) the first fish that comes up. When you have opened its mouth, you will find a four drachma coin; take it and give it to them for the two of us.”
Matthew 20:14 Take (aron | ἆρον | aor act imperative 2 sg) what is yours and be gone. I choose to give to this last man the same as I give to you.
Matthew 21:21 And Jesus answered them, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only will you do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be lifted (arthēti | ἄρθητι | aor pass imperative 2 sg) up and thrown into the sea,’ it will happen.
Matthew 21:43 Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken (arthēsetai | ἀρθήσεται | fut pass ind 3 sg) away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.”
Matthew 24:17 the one on the housetop must not go down to gather (arai | ἆραι | aor act inf ) up what is in his house,
Matthew 24:18 and the one in the field must not go back to pick (arai | ἆραι | aor act inf ) up his coat.
Matthew 24:39 and they knew nothing until the flood came and took (ēren | ἦρεν | aor act ind 3 sg) them all away (ēren | ἦρεν | aor act ind 3 sg), so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
Matthew 25:28 So take (arate | ἄρατε | aor act imperative 2 pl) the talent away (arate | ἄρατε | aor act imperative 2 pl) from him, and give it to the one who has the ten talents.
Matthew 25:29 For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken (arthēsetai | ἀρθήσεται | fut pass ind 3 sg) from him.
Matthew 27:32 As they were going out, they came across a man named Simon, from Cyrene. This man they conscripted to carry (arē | ἄρῃ | aor act subj 3 sg) the cross.
Mark 2:3 And some men came, bringing to him a paralytic carried (airomenon | αἰρόμενον | pres pass ptcp acc sg masc) by four of them.
Mark 2:9 Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, are forgiven,’ ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, pick (aron | ἆρον | aor act imperative 2 sg) up your mat, your and walk’?
Mark 2:11 “I say to you, stand up, pick (aron | ἆρον | aor act imperative 2 sg) up your mat, your and go home.” your
Mark 2:12 And got up, immediately the man got up, picked (aras | ἄρας | aor act ptcp nom sg masc) up his mat, and went out in full view of them all, so they were all amazed and praised God, saying, like this!” “We have never seen anything like this!”
Mark 2:21 “No one sews a piece of unshrunk cloth unshrunk sews on an old garment. old If he does, the patch pulls away (airei | αἴρει | pres act ind 3 sg) from it, the new from the old, and the worse. tear becomes worse.
Mark 4:15 These are the ones on the path where the word is sown: whenever they hear, Satan immediately comes Satan and carries (airei | αἴρει | pres act ind 3 sg) off the word that was sown in them.
Mark 4:25 For whoever For has, more will be given to him; and whoever does not have, even the little he does have will be taken (arthēsetai | ἀρθήσεται | fut pass ind 3 sg) away from him.”
Mark 6:8 He instructed them to take (airōsin | αἴρωσιν | pres act subj 3 pl) nothing for their journey except simply a staff simply — no bread, no bag, no money in their belts money —
Mark 6:29 When his disciples heard of this, they came and took (ēran | ἦραν | aor act ind 3 pl) his corpse and placed it in a tomb.
Mark 6:43 Then they picked (ēran | ἦραν | aor act ind 3 pl) up twelve baskets full of broken pieces and what was left of the fish.
Mark 8:8 And they ate and were filled. And they picked (ēran | ἦραν | aor act ind 3 pl) up seven baskets of leftover pieces.
Mark 8:19 When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you pick (ērate | ἤρατε | aor act ind 2 pl) up?” They said “Twelve.”
Mark 8:20 “When I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you pick (ērate | ἤρατε | aor act ind 2 pl) up?” And they said, “Seven.”
Mark 8:34 When he had called the crowd with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone wants to come be my disciple, he must deny himself, take (aratō | ἀράτω | aor act imperative 3 sg) up his cross and follow me.
Mark 11:23 I tell you the truth, that if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Be taken (arthēti | ἄρθητι | aor pass imperative 2 sg) up and cast into the sea,’ and does not waver in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him.
Mark 13:15 Let the one who is on the housetop not come down, nor enter his house to remove (arai | ἆραι | aor act inf ) anything
Mark 13:16 and let the one who is in the field not return to get (arai | ἆραι | aor act inf ) his cloak.
Mark 15:21 And they conscripted a certain passerby, Simon of Cyrene (the father of Alexander and Rufus), as he was coming in from the country, to bear (arē | ἄρῃ | aor act subj 3 sg) his cross.
Mark 15:24 Then they crucified him and divided his clothing, casting lots for them, to see who would (arē | ἄρῃ | aor act subj 3 sg) take (arē | ἄρῃ | aor act subj 3 sg) what.
Mark 16:18 with their hands they (arousin | ἀροῦσιν | fut act ind 3 pl) will (arousin | ἀροῦσιν | fut act ind 3 pl) pick (arousin | ἀροῦσιν | fut act ind 3 pl) up (arousin | ἀροῦσιν | fut act ind 3 pl) snakes; and if they drink any deadly poison it will in no way harm them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
Luke 4:11 and, ‘On their hands they will raise (arousin | ἀροῦσιν | fut act ind 3 pl) you up (arousin | ἀροῦσιν | fut act ind 3 pl), so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’”
Luke 5:24 But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” — he said to the paralyzed man, “I say to you, get up, and when you have picked (aras | ἄρας | aor act ptcp nom sg masc) up your stretcher, go home.”
Luke 5:25 Immediately, having stood up before them and picked (aras | ἄρας | aor act ptcp nom sg masc) up what he had been lying on, he went off to his house praising God.
Luke 6:29 To the one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from the one who takes (airontos | αἴροντος | pres act ptcp gen sg masc) your coat, do not withhold even your shirt.
Luke 6:30 To all who ask of you, give, and from the one who takes (airontos | αἴροντος | pres act ptcp gen sg masc) away what belongs to you, do not demand it back.
Luke 8:12 Those along the path are the ones who hear — then the devil comes and takes (airei | αἴρει | pres act ind 3 sg) away the word from their heart, so that they may not believe and be saved.
Luke 8:18 “Take care, then, how you hear! For whoever has — more will be given to him; and whoever does not have — even what he seems to have will be taken (arthēsetai | ἀρθήσεται | fut pass ind 3 sg) away from him.”
Luke 9:3 He said to them, “Take (airete | αἴρετε | pres act imperative 2 pl) nothing on the journey — no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money. No one is to have two tunics.
Luke 9:17 They ate and all were satisfied. What was left over was gathered (ērthē | ἤρθη | aor pass ind 3 sg) up by them, twelve baskets of broken pieces.
Luke 9:23 Then he said to all, “If someone wants to come after me, let him deny himself, and let him take (aratō | ἀράτω | aor act imperative 3 sg) up his cross daily, and let him follow me.
Luke 11:22 but when one stronger than he attacks him and overpowers him, he (airei | αἴρει | pres act ind 3 sg) takes (airei | αἴρει | pres act ind 3 sg) away (airei | αἴρει | pres act ind 3 sg) his armor in which he has placed his trust and divides up spoil.
