Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

Essential information for learning Hebrew

Here is Gary's Miles' suggested order for how to work through each chapter. They basically want you to work through each class in order, from top to bottom.

(1) Listen to BBH Summary Lecture to get a general introduction to the chap[ter (optional)

(2) Read the appropriate chapters in English Grammar to Ace Biblical Hebrew

(3) Read BBH Chapter, sometimes only as a quick overview

(4) Listen to Gary's full lecture

(5) Sometimes they encourage you to re-read the chapter carefully

(6) Memorize all required grammar, paradigms, and vocabulary

(7) Complete the homework assignments in the BBH workbook. For most chapters there are Frequently Asked Questions and also helps to the harder exercises.

(8) Check completed homework with BBH workbook answer key

(9) Work through the Review, making sure you understand all the important points

(10) Take chapter quiz

(11) Grade chapter quiz with answer key