8. μείνατε ἐν τῇ ἀγάπῃ … | Free resources to learn biblical Greek
Bill Mounce

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8. μείνατε ἐν τῇ ἀγάπῃ …

meivnate (Remain!) ejn th:/ ajgavph/ th:/ ejmh:/. eja;n ta;V ejntolavV mou thrhvshte (you keep), menei:te (you will remain) ejn th:/ ajgavph/ mou, kaqw;V ejgw; ta;V ejntola;V tou: patrovV (father) mou tethvrhka (I have kept) kai; mevnw (I remain) aujtou: ejn th:/ ajgavph/. au{th ejsti;n hJ ejntolh; hJ ejmhv, i{na ajgapa:te (you love) ajllhvlouV kaqw;V hjgavphsa (I loved) uJma:V (you).