Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

Monday w/ Mounce is Coming Back!

It's been good to have taken a break from blogging over the summer, but it's time to start up again. So starting next Monday, Monday w/ Mounce issues will be delivered to your email box.

Because of changes at BiblicalTraining, I am having to streamline my blogging a little, so here's the plan.

  1. Monday w/ Mounce will become a little more eclectic. I'm going to stop the Thursday blog on Bible Study Greek and blend them into Monday w/ Mounce. This means that some of the Monday w/ Mounce blogs will be second year and some will be first year, but I trust you will learn from both levels. If you subscribed to the Bible Study Greek blog, you will automatically be subscribed to the Monday w/ Mounce blog.
  2. I'm also going to periodically do Monday w/ Mounce blogs on why I trust the Bible or perhaps issues on spiritual growth.
  3. My Greek Verse of the Day blog will still be done on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can read these on If you want to be notified, subscribe to my YouTube channel.
  4. My Greek Word of the Day blog will still be done on Wednesdays and Fridays. You can read these on If you want to be notified, subscribe to my YouTube channel.

I trust all these will be helpful.