Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

First Year Greek Online Class

Have you ever wanted to learn biblical Greek but were afraid it was too hard? Have you wanted to learn the language of the New Testament but didn't want to study on your own? Now is the time to change all that.

Dr. Elliott Mallory-Greene is teaching first-semester Greek online starting August 29, 2023, for $550 (plus books).

The class will use video conferencing on a weekly basis. In order to keep the class personal, Dr. Mallory-Greene is accepting only the first 15 students who enroll. Here is the flyer for the class and the syllabus.

Contact Dr. Mallory-Greene directly for payment or questions

Q and A

  1. Will there be a second-semester class? Yes, assuming we get enough students.
  2. What else will I need? Please read the syllabus carefully for all the specifics.
  3. When are the video sessions? The schedule for the video sessions are listed in the syllabus.
  4. Are the video sessions recorded? Video sessions are recorded so you can watch them if you miss the actual class.
  5. Can I go at a slower pace? No. You can study whenever you wish during the week, but for the sake of the student community and our interaction, it is important that we all go at the same basic pace. This is the pace used in teaching biblical languages in university, not graduate school.
  6. How do I get the quizzes and tests? Quizzes, keys, and tests will be emailed from the teacher.
  7. Will my tuition be refunded if I drop the class? Because Dr. Mallory-Greene is admitting a limited number of students, once the class is closed there are no refunds.