For an Informed Love of God
Bill Mounce
Vocabulary form:
ajdelfovV, -ou:, oJ
Philadelphia is the city of brotherly love.
Mnemonic Singing:
Thou our Father, Christ our brother,
all who live in love are Thine.
all who live in love are Thine.
Biblical Concordance
1 John 3:12 | We are not to be like Cain who was of the evil one and murdered his brother (adelphon | ἀδελφόν | acc sg masc). And why did he murder him? Because his own deeds were evil and those of his brother (adelphou | ἀδελφοῦ | gen sg masc) were righteous. |
1 John 3:13 | So do not be surprised, brothers (adelphoi | ἀδελφοί | voc pl masc), if the world hates you. |
1 John 3:14 | We know that we have crossed over from death to life, because we love the brothers (adelphous | ἀδελφούς | acc pl masc). Whoever does not love remains in the realm of death. |
1 John 3:15 | Everyone who hates his brother (adelphon | ἀδελφόν | acc sg masc) is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. |
1 John 3:16 | By this we have come to know love: that he laid down his life on our behalf. And we are obligated to lay down our lives for the brothers (adelphōn | ἀδελφῶν | gen pl masc). |
1 John 3:17 | But whoever has this world’s resources and sees his fellow Christian (adelphon | ἀδελφόν | acc sg masc) in need yet closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him? |
1 John 4:20 | If someone says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother (adelphon | ἀδελφόν | acc sg masc), he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother (adelphon | ἀδελφόν | acc sg masc) whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen. |
1 John 4:21 | And the commandment we have from him is this: the one who loves God must also love his brother (adelphon | ἀδελφόν | acc sg masc). |
1 John 5:16 | If someone sees his brother (adelphon | ἀδελφόν | acc sg masc) committing a sin that does not lead to death, he should ask and God will give him life — to those whose sins do not lead to death. There is sin that leads to death; I do not say that he should pray about that. |
3 John 1:3 | For I rejoiced greatly when the brothers (adelphōn | ἀδελφῶν | gen pl masc) came and testified to your fidelity to the truth, as indeed you do walk in the truth. |
3 John 1:5 | Dear brother, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers (adelphous | ἀδελφούς | acc pl masc), even though they are strangers. |
3 John 1:10 | For this reason, should I come, I will bring up the things he is doing, disparaging us with malicious talk. And not satisfied with that, he refuses to welcome the brothers (adelphous | ἀδελφούς | acc pl masc). He even prevents those who would like to and puts them out of the church. |
Jude 1:1 | Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother (adelphos | ἀδελφός | nom sg masc) of James, to those who are called, who are loved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ: |
Revelation 1:9 | I, John, your brother (adelphos | ἀδελφός | nom sg masc) and partner in the tribulation and kingdom and patient endurance that are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos on account of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. |
Revelation 6:11 | Then a white robe was given to each of them and they were told to rest a little while, until the number was reached of their fellow servants and their brothers (adelphoi | ἀδελφοί | nom pl masc) who were to be killed just as they had been. |
Revelation 12:10 | Then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, “Just now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers (adelphōn | ἀδελφῶν | gen pl masc) has been thrown down, the one who accuses them day and night before our God. |
Revelation 19:10 | Then I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he said to me, “Do not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers (adelphōn | ἀδελφῶν | gen pl masc) who hold to the testimony about Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony about Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” |
Revelation 22:9 | But he said to me, “Do not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers (adelphōn | ἀδελφῶν | gen pl masc) the prophets, and with those who keep the words of this book. Worship God!” |