Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God


Vocabulary form: 

and; even, also; namely


Kai and I!

Mnemonic Singing: 

Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice,
give thanks and sing.


“καί the Word became flesh καί dwelt among us.” (John 1:14)

“Do not καί the tax collectors do the same?” (Matt 5:46)

“The Lord stood by me, so that through me the proclamation might be fulfilled, namely, all the Gentiles might hear.” (2 Tim 4:17)



Biblical Concordance

Acts 24:3 in every way and (kai | καί | conj) everywhere we accept them, most excellent Felix, with all gratitude.
Acts 24:5 For we found this man to be a troublemaker, one who stirs up riots among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes.
Acts 24:6 He even (kai | καί | adverb) tried to desecrate the temple, so (kai | καί | adverb) we laid hold of him.
Acts 24:9 And the Jews also (kai | καί | adverb) joined the attack, saying that it was so.
Acts 24:12 and (kai | καί | conj) they did not find me arguing with anyone or stirring up a crowd, either in the temple or in the synagogues or in the city.
Acts 24:14 But this I confess to you, that according to the Way, which they call a sect, thus I worship the God of our fathers, believing all things that are according to the Law and (kai | καί | conj) written in the Prophets,
Acts 24:15 having a hope in God, which these men themselves accept, that there is to be a resurrection both of the just and (kai | καί | conj) of the unjust.
Acts 24:16 In view of this I do my best to have a clear conscience toward God and (kai | καί | conj) men at all times.
Acts 24:17 “Now, after several years, I came to my people bringing gifts for the poor and (kai | καί | conj) presenting offerings,
Acts 24:19 But there are some Jews from Asia who ought to be here before you and (kai | καί | conj) bring charges, if they have anything against me.
Acts 24:23 Then he commanded the centurion to keep him in custody, but to let him have some freedom and (kai | καί | conj) not to prevent any of his friends from taking care of his needs.
Acts 24:24 After some days Felix arrived with his wife Drusilla, who was Jewish. He sent for Paul and (kai | καί | conj) heard him speak about faith in Christ Jesus.
Acts 24:25 And as he reasoned with him about righteousness and (kai | καί | conj) self-control and (kai | καί | conj) the judgment to come, Felix became frightened and said, “For the present go away, but when I find time I will send for you.”
Acts 24:26 At the same time he hoped that money would be given to him by Paul. So he sent for him frequently and conversed with him.
Acts 25:2 So the chief priests and (kai | καί | conj) the Jewish leaders brought formal charges against Paul, (kai | καί | conj) begging him
Acts 25:7 When he arrived, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem stood around him, bringing many and (kai | καί | conj) serious charges against him, which they were not able to prove.
Acts 25:10 Paul answered, “I am now standing before Caesar’s judgment seat, where I ought to be tried. Against the Jews I have done nothing wrong, as you yourself know very well.
Acts 25:11 If then I am a wrongdoer and (kai | καί | conj) have done anything worthy of death, I am not trying to escape death; but if there is nothing to their charges against me, no one has a right to turn me over to them. I appeal to Caesar.”
Acts 25:13 Now after some days had passed, Agrippa the king and (kai | καί | conj) Bernice came down to Caesarea and paid their respects to Festus.
Acts 25:15 When I came to Jerusalem, the chief priests and (kai | καί | conj) the elders of the Jews informed me about him, asking for a guilty verdict against him.
Acts 25:19 but had certain questions about their own religion to put to him and (kai | καί | conj) about a certain Jesus, who was dead, whom Paul claimed to be alive.
Acts 25:22 Then Agrippa said to Festus, “I too (kai | καί | adverb) would like to hear the man myself.” “Tomorrow,” said he, “you will hear him.”
Acts 25:23 So on the next day when Agrippa and (kai | καί | conj) Bernice came with great pomp and (kai | καί | conj) entered the audience hall along with the commanding officers and (kai | καί | conj) the prominent men of the city, and (kai | καί | conj) when Festus had given the order, Paul was brought in.
Acts 25:24 And (kai | καί | conj) Festus said, “King Agrippa, and (kai | καί | conj) all men present with us, you see this man about whom the whole Jewish people petitioned me, both in Jerusalem and (kai | καί | conj) here, crying out that he ought not to live any longer.
Acts 25:26 But I do not have anything definite about him to write to my lord. Therefore I have brought him before you all, and (kai | καί | conj) especially before you, King Agrippa, so that, when the examination has been conducted, I may have something to write.
Acts 25:27 For it seems unreasonable to me, in sending a prisoner, not to report the charges against him.”
Acts 26:3 especially because you are well acquainted with all the customs and (kai | καί | conj) controversies of the Jews. Therefore I beg you to listen to me patiently.
Acts 26:6 And (kai | καί | conj) now I stand here on trial because of my hope in the promise made by God to our fathers,
Acts 26:7 to which our twelve tribes hope to attain, worshipping strenuously night and (kai | καί | conj) day. It is for this hope, your Excellency, that I am being accused by Jews!
Acts 26:10 And I did so in Jerusalem; not only did I lock up in prison many of the saints, after receiving authority from the chief priests, and when they were put to death I cast my vote against them.
Acts 26:11 And (kai | καί | conj) I punished them often in all the synagogues and tried to make them blaspheme; and since I was so vehemently angry at them, I pursued them even to foreign cities.
Acts 26:12 “On one of these journeys I was going to Damascus with authority and (kai | καί | conj) commission from the chief priests,
Acts 26:13 and at midday I saw on the way, O king, a light from heaven, brighter than the sun, that shone around me and (kai | καί | conj) those who journeyed with me.
Acts 26:16 But get up and (kai | καί | conj) stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you a servant and (kai | καί | conj) witness both to the things in which you have seen and to those in which I will appear to you.
Acts 26:17 I will rescue you from your people and (kai | καί | conj) from the Gentiles, to whom I am sending you
Acts 26:18 to open their eyes, that they turn from darkness to light, and (kai | καί | conj) from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and (kai | καί | conj) a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’
Acts 26:20 but I declared to those in Damascus first, then also (kai | καί | conj) to those in Jerusalem and through all the region of Judea, and (kai | καί | conj) to the Gentiles, that they should repent and (kai | καί | conj) turn to God, performing works worthy of repentance.
Acts 26:22 Obtaining help, therefore, from God, until this day I have stood testifying both to small and (kai | καί | conj) great, saying nothing beyond what the prophets and (kai | καί | conj) Moses said would come to pass:
Acts 26:23 that the Christ was to suffer and, as the first to rise from the dead, he would proclaim light both to our people and (kai | καί | conj) to the Gentiles.”
Acts 26:25 But Paul said, “I am not out of my mind, most excellent Festus, but true and (kai | καί | conj) rational are the words that I declare.
Acts 26:26 For the king knows about these matters, and to him I am speaking boldly, for I am persuaded that none of these things has escaped his notice, for this was not done in a corner.
Acts 26:29 Paul replied, “I would to God that whether (kai | καί | conj) the time be short or (kai | καί | conj) long, not only you but also (kai | καί | adverb) all those who are listening to me today would also (kai | καί | adverb) become as I am, apart for these chains.”
Acts 26:30 Then the king stood up, and (kai | καί | conj) the governor and Bernice and (kai | καί | conj) those sitting with them;
Acts 26:31 and (kai | καί | conj) after they had left the room, they spoke to one another, saying, “This man is doing nothing worthy of death or imprisonment.”
Acts 27:1 And when it was decided that we would sail for Italy, they delivered Paul and (kai | καί | conj) some other prisoners to a centurion, named Julius, of the Augustan Cohort.
Acts 27:5 And when we had sailed across the open sea along the coast of Cilicia and (kai | καί | conj) Pamphylia, we came to Myra in Lycia.
Acts 27:7 We sailed slowly for a number of days and (kai | καί | conj) arrived with difficulty off Cnidus, and as the wind did not allow us to go farther, we sailed under the lee of Crete off Salmone.
Acts 27:9 Since considerable time had passed and (kai | καί | conj) the voyage was now dangerous because the fast had already gone by, Paul advised them,
Acts 27:10 saying, “Gentlemen, I perceive that the voyage that is about to take place will involve injury and (kai | καί | conj) much loss, not only of the cargo and (kai | καί | conj) the ship, but also (kai | καί | adverb) of our lives.”
Acts 27:11 But the centurion was more convinced by the captain and (kai | καί | conj) the ship’s owner than by what Paul was saying.
