Basics of Biblical Greek: Video Lectures |
Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

Basics of Biblical Greek: Video Lectures

I taught for years at the university and graduate level, and my textbook, Basics of Biblical Greek, has become the standard Biblical Greek text. Students paid thousands of dollars to attend my classes, and now you too can enjoy the same lectures. There are 37 lectures ranging between 20 and 35 minutes each, covering almost every paragraph in BBG.

This is the equivalent of a full two-semester course. Unlike the Chapter Overviews included in the free online class, in these lectures I cover almost every paragraph in his textbook.

For a comparison between what you get with the free class, the online lectures, and the flash drives, click here.


These new videos include the screencasts over the workbook exercises. is the only place these screencasts can be purchased.

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You can watch the first five lectures and the first three screencasts before you buy.

  1. The Greek Language ( Lecture )
  2. Learning Greek ( Lecture )
  3. The Alphabet and Pronunciation ( Lecture | Screencast )
  4. Punctuation and Syllabification ( Lecture | Screencast )
  5. Introduction to English nouns ( Lecture )
  6. Nominative and Accusative cases ( Lecture | Screencast )

Note on online access: If you purchase access to the lectures inside of our online Greek class, then you will be able to listen to the lectures while on the internet but the video cannot be downloaded. You are purchasing access for 365 days, after which you will not be able to access the classes.

We offer substantive discounts for classes that require all students to purchase the videos; the teacher needs to contact us for this discount coupon. We also give materials away to incarcerated prisoners. No other discounts are available. Contact us for details.


These videos and screencasts sell for $189 (plus shipping).

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These lectures are copyrighted by Dr. Bill Mounce. By purchasing this product, you are agreeing not to make copies of the lectures and give them to others. (You are more than welcome to make a copy to watch on your computer, phone or tablet.) We try to keep the price low enough so students can afford their own copies. Thank you.