Bill Mounce

For an Informed Love of God

Resources for Basics of Biblical Greek (second edition)

We are no longer supporting resources for the second edition of Basics for Biblical Greek. All resources except for the answer sheets (below) are for the third edition. However, if you look a the differences between the second and third edition, you can probably figure out how to use third edition resources with the second edition.

  • A Word document listing all the corrections made to the second edition of BBG and the workbook
  • A Word document listing the basic differences between the second and third editions of BBG
  • Answers to the exercises in the workbook are available in a basic (just the basic parsings and translations, 105 pages, Adobe Acrobat / Word), and a full format (with most words parsed, 205 pages, Adobe Acrobat / Word). Thanks to John Beckman who worked feverishly to get them done. Please report any errors using the contact page. The answer sheets can also be purchased